Urgent care... Wear goggles!

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Oh no :cry:, I hope everything is OK!!! That happened to me and in an extreme panic I rinsed my eye with vinegar, And it stung like nobody's business but it did stop after awhile and I was ok. The eye can repair itself in most situations. Please take it easy Jeenelk
OH NO!!!! I hope your eye heals nicely for you. you may want to go to an ophthalmologist just to get a really good look at it.

do keep us updated!
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your eye heals quickly. A reminder to us all, it pays to use protective gear.
"...something else after flushing would have been good to use?..."

Nope, nothing other than water. Just plain cool running water for at least 10 minutes. Then get thee to a doctor or emergency room immediately. Medical attention is especially important for a chemical exposure to the eyes, nose, mouth, or the face in general.

In case people are wondering about the common wisdom to use vinegar for a lye splash, the answer is NO, NEVER. In a strict chemistry sense, yes, vinegar does neutralize lye. But the neutralization reaction releases heat which damages tissues, and the vinegar itself can do its own damage since it is an acid.

So if you use vinegar on a lye splash on your body, you will get a thermal burn AND a caustic burn AND additional pain and inflammation from the vinegar itself. The goal should be to wash the darn stuff off with simple water as quickly as possible.

Plenty of cool plain running water is the standard first aid in chemical laboratories and manufacturing plants for a chemical splash. It should be the soap maker's first aid method too.
OMG. No words can describe what my heart feels for you right now. My most sincere wish is that your eye will be alright. Gave me the chills reading about your experience.

Thanks for your warning. Even though I wear glasses I also wear a face mask and a long sleeve smock 'thingy'. My sister always laughs for it reminds her of the TV show 'CSI'. I sometimes wonder if all this is really necessary - your warning and experience says "Damn yes!".

Giving you a big cyberspace extending hug.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Take comfort in the fact that the eye is one of the quickest healing parts of the body (right up there with the mouth). How are you feeling today?
Oh no! How do you feel? How is your eye? I hope it will recover well, and be back to normal in 100%... That could happen to just anyone! O boy…
Thanks for the positive notes on healing.. Didn't know the eye heals fast also.

Glad I can help out at least by bad example. :)

Well I was up several times because it just keeps gooping up and then would seal shut. Still same swollen on bottom but upper lid is worse. Basically look like I got punched good. Which I likely need for tripping.. Dummy me.

It's a bit grainy feeling but think it's the swollen bits in there. Just irritating which gives a headache but not too 'painful'.

Vision is still off and luckily I live on the street of my kids elementary school and we walk. Should get better as it heals and this drainage stops. :)
Oh No that is terrible, for sure a soaper's worst nightmare, hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for giving everyone a safety heads up, when you are in such pain.
Well had to go to specialist and the nice doctor stayed late for me to come in.
Having a lot of haze and pain.. Basically he said there is no permanent damage in terms of my vision but a lot of inner swelling and scratches on my actual eye (salt). The inside of my upper lid has a burn he can see. It's all kind of a 'burn' but there is a spot that is worse where the lye must have stuck with the salt.
So another medication to pick up tonight and a flush to use.

Think I'll be good in about 2 days when meds really take effect. :)
I'm glad you were able to see the optho. ER docs are great, but they are jacks of all trades and are generalists for the most part (the main exception being trauma surgeons).

Hang in there.
I ususally take my safety goggles of once there's no more lye sitting around... oops! Maybe I should keep them on, and maybe buy new ones that aren't so scratched. It's just that when the soap is tracing and getting ready to poor it doesn't look dangerous anymore and I feel kind of silly in my goggles, gloves and lab coat.