Urgent care... Wear goggles!

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So, how is the eye today? I hope the swelling has gone down, and the film is disappearing. Keep us posted.

Williamsburg, VA
Well had to go to specialist and the nice doctor stayed late for me to come in.
Having a lot of haze and pain.. Basically he said there is no permanent damage in terms of my vision but a lot of inner swelling and scratches on my actual eye (salt). The inside of my upper lid has a burn he can see. It's all kind of a 'burn' but there is a spot that is worse where the lye must have stuck with the salt.
So another medication to pick up tonight and a flush to use.

Think I'll be good in about 2 days when meds really take effect. :)

Even after healing that eye may be blurry for quite a while, hopefully not. Took about a month to get back to normal after my injury. I am sorry that happened to you.
It is better today. He had me use the medicine one time every hour for 4 doses last night(basically a whole days worth). My other eye also crusted shut in the outside corner last night which was odd since it was totally unaffected. Maybe cross infection? IDK. But after some 7 doses with new meds and the other med also its MUCH better. :)
I'm so glad it's doing better. Eyes are strongly linked, I've heard that sometimes when one eye goes blind the other does too--here's the wiki

More than once I've hit or damaged my fingertip--enough for a black spot or a hole in the nail--and on the other hand, a great big white spot on the matching finger's nail started to grow out from the nail bed right afterward. Aww, sympathy!

Today I kept my safety glasses on the whole time, and for the first time ever I got soap batter on my face while slamming a mold against the floor. It didn't hit the glasses but my cheek. Like someone else mentioned, I think I will try a face shield.
Glad you saw a specialist and are on the mend!

I also had my glasses off after my salt bars were in the mould, banged it on the counter and had some shoot into my right eye.
We've an excellent emergency eye clinic here and thank God my DH was home to get me there. After the long eye rinse at the sink, I stood in the shower with cold water running directly in my eye for 15 min before even heading to the clinic.
The good doctor used a buffering solution, then cortisone, then put me on a course of prescription vitamin C to combat the free radicals released in the body after a burn.
By the next day I had hardly any redness. However I had to make a compulsory daily visit to the clinic for 5-6 days or so for follow-up exams.
Since then (about 3-4 years ago?) I have been very, very careful. I like my eyes and would like to keep them.
So glad that you're doing better! And thanks for sharing - I realize that I've become quite blasé about the risks, so definitely need to take greater care. And am now thinking that perhaps I should invest in a pair of prescription safety glasses ......

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That's so scary!! Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly be very careful from now on. I'm glad you're doing better now.

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