Coconut oil is not drying. The soap made out of coconut oil is.
We don't know what numbers you are aiming for, but let's say you want to have 25% coconut oil in the final recipe, and 5% superfat. When weighing the CO, take off 5% of the total amount of oils and don't mix it with the other oils, but keep it apart. Make your HP soap, which should be at around 0% SF when it has reached vaseline stage. Now you can add the extra 5% CO (along with heat-sensitive additives like EOs/FOs) and melt/stir/dissolve into the HP batter, and glop into moulds immediately.
Now you know that you have 5% SF, of which all is chemically unaltered coconut oil (not drying/stripping/irritant!), and the saponified portion of the oils has 20% CO (a percentage, below which most people agree that the drying effect is tolerable).
Since coconut oil is very oxidation resistant, such a route has the advantage that the final soap is less prone to rancidity/DOS than when you are using fashionable “luxury oils” as post-cook superfat.