I empathize. During my youth I went through periods of bralessness and periods of extreme support, plus periods of excessively restrictive or overly racy lingerie. But with advanced age, I have found that I don't really like 'foundation' garments at all! I prefer the much more comfortable-for-me braless option. Every few years, I seem to think there still might be a comfortable supportive bra out there, and go out and spend money only to conclude after a few wearings, there simply are no bras available that provide any comfort, with or without. So camisoles continue to be my undergarment of choice. Sure there is that under-breast-sweat issue in extreme heat, but I'd rather deal with that than the restriction that bras create. Hey at my age, who's really looking anyway? If they don't like it, too bad, it's my body and I am the only person who gets to decide what I do with it.
@fjura, perhaps it is wedding ring dermatitis? Have you cleaned the rings recently? If that did not help, have you discussed with your doctor? It may be something like described here:
What Is 'Wedding Ring Rash' and How Is It Treated?