Tiny zappy beads on top of my soap

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I think it is because I insulated my mold a little bit to much, is it going to be a rebatch victim or can I just rince it off..
The inside of the soap is not lye heavy and it just partially gelled, I use a log mold and I made it 24 hours ago.

pics?? it sounds like some of your lye has not reacted with all of your oils...do you mind posting your recipe??

dont use it yet... zappy=unreacted lye...

you might need to rebatch...dont throw it away!!! just rebatch it if thats the case :)
I will try to post some pictures tonight, but my recipe was

49% olive
24 coconut
24 sheabutter
3% jojoba
Silk, sugar, lavender eo and powder oxides.

6% superfat, I use a premix of 33% lye solution and it was 641grams. for my 1600gr batch. I have some lavender buds on top so you can't see the beads very well but It definetly zaps.

if it's because your soap overheated and sweated in the mold you might be ok. try rinsing the bars and setting aside to see what happens.

but cut one up first, to see if there are lye pockets. if you don't see any, lick some of the inside/cut surfaces to check for general lye-heaviness.
carebear said:
if it's because your soap overheated and sweated in the mold you might be ok. try rinsing the bars and setting aside to see what happens.

but cut one up first, to see if there are lye pockets. if you don't see any, lick some of the inside/cut surfaces to check for general lye-heaviness.

I cut and licked the whole log and it is zap free on the inside and no lye pockets.
I found an older post from you where you wrote about soap being hygroscopic and being as curious as I am I had to google it and it was very interesting,,

A little update,, I licked the top of my soap and there is no zap at all, I did not rinse it I just waited until it seeped into my soap and now it is fine. Thank you guys for all the replies..

Adema said:
A little update,, I licked the top of my soap and there is no zap at all, I did not rinse it I just waited until it seeped into my soap and now it is fine. Thank you guys for all the replies..



Im a soaplicker too :)