semplice said:
I guess the problem is I spend hours looking at the photo gallery, and you guys make BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL soaps!!! Then I watch youtube videos, and it doesn't LOOK hard, but the application of the technique is something different altogether. I keep trying different recipes to figure out the one, base recipe that I like. I might have found it with an adjustment or two.
I guess I've just been overly ambitious.
I appreciate the encouragement!!
Hang in there...most of the video's and the gallery pics are people who have been soaping for quite awhile and are very comfortable with their recipe and how it performs as well as being comfortable with their lye.
You know your comfortable when you can make a batch of soap and dinner at the same time- just kidding- don't do that - LOL!
Remember when you watch those video's- I learned this the hard way- some are good for technique or soap porn in pics- don't imitate- create.
Every soap maker is different in so many ways- even if you copy to a tee you aren't going to get an exact bar- too many variables. I have tried at times and miserably failed.
I didn't come into my own until I stopped doing this and let my soapy imagination go. I still think my soap is boring but other soap makers don't think that at all. I'm more of a functional soaper but I do go for pretty too.
We always judge our soaps harder than others do believe it or not.
The key to any good bar of soap is the recipe- right now being new that should be your focus. Don't be too ambitious- you have plenty of time for that later. You'll go through an extreme soap making phase, I think everyone does at one point or another.
Just make sure your base recipe meets your standards.
Then after you figure that out- you start working on colors and which FO's soap the best and what scents you like the best.
On the bright side- your really being too harsh on yourself.
The first thing I thought of when I saw this post is- We have all been here- I have had everything happen to me that you have. You would be hard pressed to find a soaper on here or anywhere else that says these things have never happened to them. So welcome to the club.
If they have said this hasn't happened then they are lieing or haven't soaped much.
It's a bummer when it happens but we move on because where there is tragedy there is triumph. While it may feel like every batch is failing, it really isn't because you are learning from it.
Another good note- regarding batch #2- at least you got your spam soap out of the way.
You could have saved that batch by throwing it in the oven to HP it- 200 for a couple of hours in a stainless pot with a lid. Keep that in mind for future batches should the need arise. It gets expensive throwing salvageable soap away. I'm guilty of it because you get so frustrated.
Your other batches really don't look bad either.
In theory, the process of soap making is easy though at times all the other stuff we add to it- makes it not so easy.
We have all been there once and as time goes by- you'll look back at laugh and wonder why you made the mistakes you made. It will all click soon enough.
You'll also probably be a swirling pro in no time if that's your thing.
Hang in there!