Thickening LS experiment #1

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Good to know! I've never had it around long enough to notice anything growing, maybe I just got lucky. I will not be using it again! Thanks for the heads up! :)

Yuck! Was it from the arrowroot or do you think xanthan gum and/or guar helped with the bacteria mess?
Not sure. I have them for making egg free ice cream but food items are either eaten cold or hot; not for storage at room temperature from the experiments ive done. I had a test soap going out to a friend and decided she will get the experimental MC thickened stuff 😂
On this one, I poured 15oz scented LS into a pitcher, separately mixed 1tsp MC with 1oz distilled water in a beaker until smooth then poured the MC solution into the LS. I stirred this very gently to avoid foam until I got a very light trace. Stopped there snd poured into the bottle. So if this works like I think it may, then we now have an easier alternative for HEC
2nd update. As of today, what was done yesterday is still holding well with zero signs of separation. It’s not super thick, which I want and not real thin to run through the pouf on to the floor. So if you try Methylcellulose, try 15oz soap, scent it, mix 1 tsp methylcellulose to 1oz distilled water and stir until mixed..about 5 seconds. Pour that into the soap. Stir gently until incorporated and continue until a light trace is noticed. May have to add more methylcellulose/water. Do NOT add methylcellulose to hot or warm soap or you will get gnarly chunks. Room temperature only snd no need to cook. No need for a stick blender.
So, it’s Tuesday.
update 2 was last Thursday. So far, the methylcellulose is holding well, no signs of change, no mutations, no separations, and I’m satisfied with the experiment. No cooking, no standing on your head with your tongue on the right side stuff. Just need some patience. 1tsp In a little distilled water per 16oz LS. …like 15ml will work. Make sure the LS is scented first, then slowly add the solution. Gently stir with a spatula, go do something else, come back and stir some more. Maybe add a little more solution, stir some more, wait a bit, stir and then you will see a slight trace.
I think I got the methylcellulose from the chemical store. It’s a white powder. Don’t wanna get this stuff airborne then inhale it accidentally.

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