The weekend approaches. Be afraid, be very afraid!

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Dec 22, 2010
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Northwest Florida

The pictures of your soaping clothes SO make me want it to warm up. I kinda dress like that for real in spring/summer/fall, though I do try to match patterns.....

I hate shoes. Flip flops rule. I soap in my slipper socks, and rationalize that if I ever spilled on my feet, I could get the socks off faster than I could shoes.

Waiting for the Saturday Soap Story with baited breath....
kelleyaynn said:
The pictures of your soaping clothes SO make me want it to warm up. I kinda dress like that for real in spring/summer/fall, though I do try to match patterns.....

Patterns? What patterns? :p

I thought it had warmed up. Oh, yeah, you're up north. Hey, it's coming!

Okay Dennis, you really should be smacked for posting that picture. I've gotten to the point that I hate winter by the time it's December 1, and I live in the mid-Atlantic, and it's not even winter by Dec. 1!!
West-by God - Virginia? My ex grew up in Cumberland, MD - you can spit on WV from there. No wonder you can't match patterns...

Just kidding. I went to college at Virginia Tech. Drove through WV all the time those years (and I've got stories!). Those mountains can be darn cold. And I went there thinking I was going to school "down south". What an idiot. They were four of the best years of my life, but geez, what misconceptions a yankee has about "the south". Swore I'd never move back north of the Mason-Dixon line, but married my first boyfriend from junior high, and that's that. When we retire, however, we are NOT staying here!
Nasty winters in WV. I went to college in NC and had my first exposure to deep southerners from Atlanta, Birmingham, etc. Even though all of my fam was from Va, that's a far cry from down here. That was like another world to me. Now cheese grits, southern sweet tea with a straw and fried mullet is tdf!

Don't kid yourself about Florida being paradise. Here in northwest Florida the winters are great. We get just enough cold weather to make you remember what it's like but June, July and August can be unbearable with temps in the 90s and humidity to match. The humidity is the killer. It's worse in central and south Florida. My sis lives in Orlando. I won't go near the place except in January and February. Too hot!
My daughter can't wait to leave Florida. Wants to go to school where it's cold. Looking at Minnesota right now. Boy is she in for a surprise. The girl wears a sweatshirt year round. In Florida! :shock:
When we lived in Fiji we used to wear brightly coloured shirts like that Dennis ... it was a daily thing, with brightly coloured sulu (wrap round skirt type things worn by females and males). When we moved to Australia I had 20+ bula shirts and I still wear them quite often ... although many people don't like them the way I love them ... and probably think they would be better hidden in my home!

Love the pic of the azaleas. I used to grow those bushes like weeds in New Zealand ... but everywhere I've lived since then is too hot, which is such a shame!
I agree with kelleyaynn, Dennis, you need to be smacked for posting the picture of the lovely flowers! Dreary, Dreary, Dreary here in PA, at least today. But spring is coming. Two Bluebirds sitting outside in the tree, thinking about building a nest.

We used to live in Oakland MD--not real far from cumberland;and just a 20 miles or so from WV.
Dennis, I kind of hate you for that picture. Here I was, so happy because I have some yellow crocuses poking out of the crappy brown grass.


What? you can hardly see them? Me, neither.
My front bed:



My vegetable garden:

And the lovely view out my kitchen window:

Missing this yet, Dennis??? :p

I'd say your daughter is in for more than a surprise - more like a rude awakening. If she wears sweatshirts all year round in Florida, she is gonna freeze her fanny off in Minnesota, and that's before it is even winter!

Newbie - when you upload to image shack, there is a place on the upload page to specify what size you want the image to be once it uploads. They have a size specifically for message boards.
Thanks Kelleyaynn.
I'm extremely impaired re: imageshack, but I will look for the image sizer and try not to wallop everyone again with my megasized photos. Thanks for the instructions!
We're quickly hitting hot weather here in south Texas, too. We had a great winter, which means a scorching hot summer and lots of hurricanes. I hate to sweat. Don't know why I stay here!
It's been hot here is SE Louisiana the last couple of weeks too, but today it's only gotten to 68 degrees. Last week and later this week-mid 80's-again. So (even always cold me) has pulled out the shorts already. I don't have any hawaiian shirts, though. Enjoy your soaping session, can't wait to read up on how it turned out.
soapbuddy said:
It's 100 degrees here today. I could gel on the back patio or in my car.

Yes, but your humidity level is next to nothing. We hit 90% some days. I can take the heat, it's being able to cut the air with a butter knife that gets me.
JackiK said:
soapbuddy said:
It's 100 degrees here today. I could gel on the back patio or in my car.

Yes, but your humidity level is next to nothing. We hit 90% some days. I can take the heat, it's being able to cut the air with a butter knife that gets me.
That's true. I went to Florida once and the humidity was awful.