I notice that when using the soapcalc calculator the hardness of the bar does not change when you increase the superfatting. I would think this would make it softer, doesn't it?
I have read that coconut oil should not be more than 30% and shea butter should not be more that 20%. What kind of soap would 50% olive oil, 30% coconut oil and 20% shea butter produce?
Also the soapcalc calculator with it's default of water to oil at 38% seems to ask for more water that other calculators I have used. Can I safely reduce this to 33%?
I have read that coconut oil should not be more than 30% and shea butter should not be more that 20%. What kind of soap would 50% olive oil, 30% coconut oil and 20% shea butter produce?
Also the soapcalc calculator with it's default of water to oil at 38% seems to ask for more water that other calculators I have used. Can I safely reduce this to 33%?