Making it was a headache, but I'm really happy with how it came out. The color will change some as it cures, that recipe always looks a bit dark until it "dries out" some, and it's actually going to end up almost exactly as I envisioned it.
Raw pics from my cell phone, so not the best quality:
Once they're harder and I can clean them up some, I'll get better pics. In the meantime, I'm very happy with them, they smell just like my beloved osmanthus that's planted next to the porch, and the color came out almost exactly like what I'd pictured in my head.
Raw pics from my cell phone, so not the best quality:
Once they're harder and I can clean them up some, I'll get better pics. In the meantime, I'm very happy with them, they smell just like my beloved osmanthus that's planted next to the porch, and the color came out almost exactly like what I'd pictured in my head.