the mystery of the instant cure

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I don't recommend any particular way to shorten it. Top is simply what most people spontaneously choose, but anything is fine except Murray. That's disconcerting because it's a real name but not mine. Even bottom is okay. ;-)

I am very tempted to call you Marvin after your chosen avatar. ;) (I've always loved Marvin the Martian.)

IrishLass :)
Where's the KaBoom?

There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom!

I suspected, that TMOH! I am too, at least in my own mind ). Effed up in many, many ways but still cool on the outside. Wait, that does not seem so good.

No, that's good. Part of the cool factor. :cool:
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[QUOTE = "JBot, post: 507469, miembro: 18427"] El verano pasado, mientras estaba comprando con entusiasmo el jabón artesanal pero aún no había considerado hacerlo, tuve una conversación interesante con un artesano local. Ella vende en varios de los mercados de agricultores en el área y parece tener un negocio considerable. Ella hace jabón de leche de cabra con leche fresca de sus propias cabras, y creo que es una ocupación de tiempo completo para ella y su familia.

Ella era lo suficientemente amigable, y parece que ella sabe lo que está haciendo. (Me sorprendió mucho cuando un cliente le preguntó si su jabón tiene un "pH balanceado", y escuché por casualidad su respuesta: "Sí, ¡está equilibrado a un pH de 10!"). Dijo varias otras cosas que me llevan a creer que tiene Un sólido conocimiento de la química del jabón.

Basado en la apariencia del jabón (textura, remolinos, etc.) estoy bastante seguro de que es un proceso frío. Pero cuando le pregunté por cuánto tiempo lo curó, dijo que usa un "proceso patentado" que le permite a su jabón estar listo para su venta en tan solo 24 horas. En ese momento sabía muy poco sobre la fabricación de jabón y no tenía idea de lo absurdo que sonaba, así que, por supuesto, quedé muy impresionado. Ella dijo que es una técnica que ha desarrollado con el tiempo, pero obviamente no quería decir más, y no la presioné. Ella me contó una historia sobre cómo un hotel de especialidades local que usa su jabón tenía algún tipo de inventario de emergencia, y pudo hacer y entregar el jabón ese mismo día. Estoy familiarizado con el hotel, y los otros detalles de su historia eran totalmente creíbles, así que no estoy seguro de qué pensar.

I’ve been wondering about it every since. What could she possibly be doing?! The swirls are too wispy and the soap is too smooth for it to be HP, and besides, HP needs to cure just like CP. It’s not MP. I don’t think she was lying, and everything else she said to me that day has turned out to be true, but I just cannot see how it’s possible to instantly cure CP.

There aren’t very many things that only ONE person has thought of, and considering how many people have been making soap for how many years, I would think that if such a process existed, other people would have “discovered” it, too. (Has anybody here tried putting fresh CP in an industrial dehydrator?)

What do you all think? Does she have a magical trick, or is she blowing smoke?

She did say one thing that seemed odd in retrospect. I bought a bunch of her soap, and when I asked her about storing it, she said it would keep indefinitely, except that the scent might fade. To preserve the scent, she recommended storing them in plastic bags or saran wrap. Yikes! I cut up some of the bars stored them in various ways: unwrapped, paper-wrapped, cloth-wrapped, saran-wrapped, plastic-bagged, Glad Cling-Wrapped, wax paper-wrapped, parchment paper-wrapped, and Food Saver-sealed in airtight plastic. Eventually I’ll open them up to evaluate their condition and report back.

I ultimately wasn’t crazy about her soap when I used it. It didn’t have a great lather, it dried out my skin, it smelled “goat-y” to me, and her other ingredients struck me as very cheap. But that’s all personal preference. Objectively her soap seems just fine, and lots of people appear to like it.[/QUOTE]

Hi all!!! reactive this post that is 2015 because it kills me the curiosity !!!!!, in my case is not a mysterious lady who claims to have secret formula but courses that are being promoted for more than a year in Mexico and Spain, the truth is that I was totally skeptical first, but then I heard comments such as they are at 24 hours as if they had been after 40 days of curing, Can it be ????? or is it a total deception ?????, advertising says
"It is an EXCLUSIVE and REVOLUTIONARY course of saponified cold soaps READY IN 24 HOURS Learn how to make saponified cold soaps without curing process, ready to use in 24 HOURS"
(the exclusive and revolutionary thing killed me) Now, I wrote to the page asking how they do it (jaaaaaaa nooo, nor such brazenness), I asked moderately if it is a formula or if it is a method, and they answered me that "it is a way Finally, I want to know if any of you know something and if so, what experiences and opinions you have had ... Affectionate greetings
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