This, multiplied by a gazillion!^^^^ I must say that the most astounding thing that happened when I gave birth was the incredible tsunami of unconditional love that washed over me towards my son. I mean, I loved my baby incredibly throughout my whole pregnancy and I knew I would continue loving him with the same intensity with all my heart after he was born, but, wow, I was not expecting
that! The intensity of love multiplied exponentially by at least a million times the very second I set my eyes on him. I never knew I had it in me to love someone
that much.... that I would turn into a mother lioness and desperately do
anything to protect him! It was very powerful!
For at least 6 months straight after giving birth, our TV never went on. Hubby and I sat and just stared and cooed over at our baby instead. lol
Our baby is 21 now, but it still feels like yesterday when he was still a wee little bairn. Enjoy every moment that you can with your little one, because the years go by sooooo fast!