The Little Efficacious Gentleman

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Congrats! He's adorable! Looks like he's passed out in that picture. Reminds me of when my cousins baby goes into a "food coma" after gorging himself on yummy milk. He passes out mid feed sometimes. :)
Congratulations to your lovely family! There's something about holding a baby in your arms that just puts everything into perspective. Such a wonderful time, enjoy every minute.
Congratulations! I hope mom and baby are doing well.

Welcome to the wonderful world! And wishing speedy recovery for mommy!
I'm SO thrilled for you, TEG! There's nothing more awe-inspiring than the moment your miracle arrives into the world and into your arms. Best wishes to you, your lady and your very handsome wee bairn!
There is nothing more yummy/peaceful than an infant in a milk daze. Lucky EG. He must smell like heaven.

There's absolutely nothing like it in the world (both the milk daze and the heavenly smell). Oh, if I could just bottle that smell!

May you and you Lady treasure and enjoy every single moment with your adorable wee bairn!

IrishLass :)
I am a person that finds it hard to find peace sometimes, IL, as you know. But holding a newborn is one of those times when it is easy. They just seem so close to whatever it is that peace comes from.
Awe he is just too adorable.. makes my ovaries ache just a bit and I'm so totally done after 5.
But pics like this make me want to bug my husband to get a reversal. Too too cute...
This, multiplied by a gazillion!^^^^ I must say that the most astounding thing that happened when I gave birth was the incredible tsunami of unconditional love that washed over me towards my son. I mean, I loved my baby incredibly throughout my whole pregnancy and I knew I would continue loving him with the same intensity with all my heart after he was born, but, wow, I was not expecting that! The intensity of love multiplied exponentially by at least a million times the very second I set my eyes on him. I never knew I had it in me to love someone that much.... that I would turn into a mother lioness and desperately do anything to protect him! It was very powerful!

For at least 6 months straight after giving birth, our TV never went on. Hubby and I sat and just stared and cooed over at our baby instead. lol

Our baby is 21 now, but it still feels like yesterday when he was still a wee little bairn. Enjoy every moment that you can with your little one, because the years go by sooooo fast!

IrishLass :)

Ok I was reading back through here seeing if there were any other cute pics and read this.. all this time I thought you were a male. haha! Now I have to totally rethink every time I see your name.
Congratulations. He's absolutely adorable and looks so peaceful in your picture! I bet you could watch him all day and night? I hope both you and Mum are doing ok too?

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