Well-Known Member
Ok, so I want to make a natural fragrance oil for my soaps. I had a whole 4oz bag of dried Chamomile flowers in my supply basket. BTW: 4oz doesn't sound like a lot, that's why I bought it. I was shocked when it came in the mail. I got a zip top freezer bag of Chamomile!! So 4oz is a lot more that I thought. Anyway, A light bulb went off!!! My brain said to me "Infuse this Sh*t in some oil...STAT!".
So I decided that I'd try an experiment and record the results. The goal being a wonderful chamomile scented oil to use in my next batch of soap!
I'm not done with the experiment yet, but here is what I have done so far:
1. At 10:15pm (Once my 5 year old daughter fell into a post Christmas coma with her new Hello Kitty blanket) I put 12oz of Soybean Oil in my crockpot and set it low. (I need 10oz of Soybean oil in my regular recipe, so I'm starting out with 12 in case I loose some to the chamomile absorbing it.)
2. I placed 1oz of dried chamomile in the crock with the oil. I stick blended it for a minute. There are still a few chunks, but it's pretty smooth. I'll be straining it when it's all done so the big pieces wont be in it, just the little tiny "string like" strands of chamomile left in the oil.
3. @10:45 I stirred the mixture, replaced the lid and set my timer for 1 hour. I will stir it and turn it off. Then I will go to bed and proceed in the morning.
I plan to strain it in the morning, and use it in my soap in the afternoon. Unless of course, it doesn't infuse well; but I am sure it will. It smells amazing after just a half hour!!!
I will update you all (with pictures if I can figure out how to post them on here) in the morning after it is done!
Has anyone done this?
Did it work?
What other things have you infused with oil?
So I decided that I'd try an experiment and record the results. The goal being a wonderful chamomile scented oil to use in my next batch of soap!
I'm not done with the experiment yet, but here is what I have done so far:
1. At 10:15pm (Once my 5 year old daughter fell into a post Christmas coma with her new Hello Kitty blanket) I put 12oz of Soybean Oil in my crockpot and set it low. (I need 10oz of Soybean oil in my regular recipe, so I'm starting out with 12 in case I loose some to the chamomile absorbing it.)
2. I placed 1oz of dried chamomile in the crock with the oil. I stick blended it for a minute. There are still a few chunks, but it's pretty smooth. I'll be straining it when it's all done so the big pieces wont be in it, just the little tiny "string like" strands of chamomile left in the oil.
3. @10:45 I stirred the mixture, replaced the lid and set my timer for 1 hour. I will stir it and turn it off. Then I will go to bed and proceed in the morning.
I plan to strain it in the morning, and use it in my soap in the afternoon. Unless of course, it doesn't infuse well; but I am sure it will. It smells amazing after just a half hour!!!
I will update you all (with pictures if I can figure out how to post them on here) in the morning after it is done!
Has anyone done this?
Did it work?
What other things have you infused with oil?