Once upon a time,long long ago when I was a sweet young thing(yeah,there was such a time),I went camping with some friends at a place called Mt Surprise(Nth Qld,middle of nowhere,dry scrubby country).Took a walk one morning,just myself,a fella & our respective little uns. Beautiful bush country up there.Anyways,after a while we came into the open & there right before us was a herd of brumbies.Beautiful creatures but totally wild.The head stallion took a couple paces towards us,winnied & reared,& I absolutely shat myself! There I was in the middle of nowhere,with 2 young kids,& theres a wild horse getting all territorial on us! My god. My friend had a shotgun with him(never know when yr gonna come across snakes I spose) & fired a shot into the air to scare them off. Which terrified the kids,but at least the horses were gone.It was a really really scary experience.