The Campfire....

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
Alright... now that we are all sittin' around the fire... We need a great reconteur to chime in and tell us a story!!

First one gets the first S'more!
Here is a little story about what happened to me as I sat around a campfire at Lake Eildon about 30 years ago. Myself and 2 friends had only just set up camp and got the fire burning and were sitting back enjoying a few cold beers when the peace and quiet was broken by the rumble of motorcycles when a group of bikers pulled in beside us and set up camp. Being the brave people they are when in superior numbers it was not long before they were over heckling us and reaching into our Esky and drinking our beer. It was just starting to turn nasty when the park ranger came along and kicked the whole lot of us out as we had no camping permits. We had never broken camp so quickly in all our lives and we were gone before the bikers were packed up and the ranger was still there. My friends and I were all pistol club members and although you were not allowed to take hand guns on camping trips, we were all young and stupid in those days and so we were all carrying guns. I think back now as to what could have happened if the ranger had not come along, my guess is they would be just letting me out of jail about now. I have long since given up pistol shooting and in Australia the cost of club membership is astronomical. It is probably a good thing that no one other than Police and Security Guards can carry guns in Australia. (Oh and of course all the criminals can carry them). Steve :D
lol that is a good story :)...

Thats pretty crazy! Id be like...hmmm how many bullets are in my gun... one per each of these bikers.... times 3 guns... lets see we could put like 3 in each and still be good lol...

lord knows though biker gangs are crazy prob trying to be brazen like that cause they were carrying too? ...

lol warring it out with the hells angels or something!!?!?!?! Lol
The Hells Angels had their roots in a gang called "The Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington". Those bikers that confronted me around the campfire may have had long arms with them but not hand guns as they were always being pulled over by the police in those days. The Hells Angels Nomads was formed in Melbourne, Australia in around 1980 from members of a club called "The Black Hearts" which haunted the same bar in Richmond that I did in the late 70's. Most members went across to the "Nomads" and when I asked one who did not he said he was not prepared to do the initiation which included rape. Real nice blokes, me thinks not. The worst bloke of the lot finished up cut in half with a chainsaw, put in a drum and then thrown in the Yarra river. (Anthony Kenny, Sargent At Arms) It sends a shiver down my spine when I think about the people I have met and the places I have been without any real physical harm coming to me. The Chronicles of Steve. :D
Once upon a time,long long ago when I was a sweet young thing(yeah,there was such a time),I went camping with some friends at a place called Mt Surprise(Nth Qld,middle of nowhere,dry scrubby country).Took a walk one morning,just myself,a fella & our respective little uns. Beautiful bush country up there.Anyways,after a while we came into the open & there right before us was a herd of brumbies.Beautiful creatures but totally wild.The head stallion took a couple paces towards us,winnied & reared,& I absolutely shat myself! There I was in the middle of nowhere,with 2 young kids,& theres a wild horse getting all territorial on us! My god. My friend had a shotgun with him(never know when yr gonna come across snakes I spose) & fired a shot into the air to scare them off. Which terrified the kids,but at least the horses were gone.It was a really really scary experience.
yeah screw gang initiation..Ive got a head of my own and I can think for myself lol I never have done well with people telling me what to do... I guess its the WASP in me from my dad lol...

gekko- that is pretty freaky cause he could have charged you guys soooo easily! I think i d be more afraid of a horse than a bear... theyre just so much bigger and can stomp you like a cheesepuff.... ooooofoooo... not the way i want to die lol

Sweeeet alright my peoples keep 'em coming! :)