Taser soap

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Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
I was showing my daughter my latest soap when she announced it looked like a taser because of the bumps on top. Scented with BB fresh snow.


I chopped up the test batch I made with this FO for a confetti like look

Winston was not humored with being tasered:)
Gorgeous soap! I absolutely love the colors and design! :clap:

Leave it to kids, lol- I never would have taken your soap to look like a taser. To me, it looks like a lovely, wintery soap with blue gum-drops on top.

IrishLass :)
Hahaha! Leave it to the kids. I love the soap, taser or not. The white that you have in there, did you use white or is that some ash? It looks great, either way, but if it were ash, I would say that is one reason to not necessarily try to avoid it. It can give some great effects.
Thanks, I would have never thought taser either but it works for me lol. I didn't add any white in the purple layers, there is some uncolored shreds mixed in but I don't think that what you meant. It doesn't appear to be ash, its more like steric rivers. It appears in my soaps once in a while and makes for some neat visuals.

Winston is my baby, we have three doxies but he is my favorite, nothing but a big mommas boy.
Love, love, love your soap. The colours are simply gorgeous and the glycerine rivers really work! It definetely doesnt look like a taser to me.

OMG, winston's eyes are so lovely. You'd do anything for those eyes!
Obsidian, that's some great looking soap! I never would have thought "taser" either but it's probably because I've never actually seen one, lol. My first thought was like IrishLass ~ "what neat looking blue gum drops on top"!

Winston looks resigned to your antics. I can just hear him thinking "Whatever you're doing to me now mom, just get it over with so I can go back to my doggie chores". What a handsome guy you have!
I love the soap, but I want to steal Winston. Seriously, he needs to come live with me! Don't worry, my old collie, Ms. Beadie, will protect him from tazing.
Love the soap, but I love Winston more. I use to have a black/tan dachi, she was very spoiled as well. Can't have doggies now, especially dachi's, cause I have Pandora the rabbit.
OMG, winston's eyes are so lovely. You'd do anything for those eyes!
There are only two dogs that have ever bitten me - one was a dach. Those eyes make me think I'm about to get nipped. :think: I'm sure your fur baby would NEVER do that though! :clap:

By the way .. it's likely most of you have never done this because most of you are ladies and inherently smarter. I would like to unequivocably say that no matter how brave and manly you think you are, a taser WILL take you down. Just in case you are curious. :razz:
Beautiful soap! It looks like there is a thin sheet of cracking ice over it. I don't know if that was on purpose but bravo anyway!