Sticking to the mold

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I am having a terrible time with my soaps sticking to the molds. I think they are clean and dry before I pour, could it be that they are not clean or dry enough? Any thing I can do to the mold before I pour? Would a little oil ruin the soap if I "greased" the molds first? With a little light oil or a spray?
Have you tried placing them in the freezer to help them pop out a bit easier?

are they silicon moulds by any chance? I wouldnt think silicon moulds would stick as such, ive never had a problem with mine. Only the hard plastic ones, which I dislike very much!
You can grease them up a little before using. If they're new, sometimes they need to be used a bit before they just pop out.
Plus, if you pour too hot the soap will definitely stick to the mold.

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