Starting on CP & LS..?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2014
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Hi guys!

I've been working on getting all my ingredients for CP, which has not been that simple.. but next to that I would also like to have a go at making some Liquid Soap as well! Cause if not, I'll have to buy some normal, factory made one, haha (my liquid soap bottle is almost empty)..
So I've done a lot of research lately, and I think reading about LS for the first time (and the 2nd, 3rd & 4th time..) is quite intimidating! :wtf: Does anybody else have this? It looks very complicated to me, and since I haven't started on any CP yet, I don't understand a whole lot of it. Especially all the substances that I've never even heard about. It's really confusing and it's like I need a PHD in Science to even get started. :think: The thing I would wish for now is just a step-to-step guide how to make such a thing like LS (from scratch), to get started, and understanding all the additives. What they do & why to use them. I haven't been able at all to find those tuts/guides at all. I've watched loads of video's already but it seems to me like there is not enough interest for it or something?

Does anybody have any tips on this particular 'issue' of mine? I guess I should just start on the Cold Process method and play around with that for a while? Maybe that'll help me understand more. What do you guys think?
So far I have only been working on the more simple things like M&P, Bath Salts, Bath Bombs, Scrubs and that kind of stuff.

Greets from a very confused Stephanie :wave:

There are two threads in the liquid soap section that give step by step. Well, there are lots of them that do that, but two are on the first page that are really good. I can't link to them as I am on the app not my computer.
My advice is to choose one -- bar soap or liquid soap -- and concentrate on it for the moment. It's not like you can't do them both eventually -- many of the skills for making bar soap are also skills for making liquid soap. The problem right now is that you are going into a heavy skill-building and learning phase, so it's best to focus on one task for a bit to develop some confidence and skill, and then move on to the other when you feel comfortable.

You speak about feeling intimidated about LS making. I agree the prospect of cooking for hours, testing the pH and clarity, neutralizing, and diluting IS intimidating, but all that misery is not necessary if you follow the LS making methods in these two tutorials:

Here's a recent thread about liquid soap that will give you other resources with good info about making LS:
My advice would be to make one batch of CP soap, then a batch of HP soap, and then a batch of LS. There is a progression of skills in there that makes each easier for having done the one before.
Thanks for the responses guys!

Still, with the links to the tutorials, including on this forum, it's still not clear for me what to do.
I just don't have the knowledge of the ingredients at this time.

I've decided I'm indeed going to start with CP first. That way I can slowly learn all of the processes that are necessary in LS as well.

Thanks again!
My confidence is back and I'm excited to start with CP. :)

Greets Steph

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