March 14th - 3.14What's pi day?
March 14th - 3.14What's pi day?
That's coz you crazy cats put your month and day round the wrong way. It should be 14/3March 14th - 3.14
Lol I just remembered how confusing it was. As a child in Saudi Arabia we wrote 14.3 then moving back home it was 3.14 then when I worked in the UAE it was again 14.3. Now I'm back home again...That's coz you crazy cats put your month and day round the wrong way. It should be 14/3![]()
The bars are lovely to use. You can even leave them soaking in their own water and they retain firmness without turning to sludge. Here's some pics:
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I think I'm gonna go order the 444 from that one single reputable supplier.. Looking forward to your next updateBars with 444 cut this morning ( at 18 hours) and we have suds! The soap was too young to do anything with but my gloves lathered when I washed them off.
The experiment now goes into the curing process....
Thank you for the sweet offer but I'm quite on the other side of the globe and I'm pretty sure it's way more than any amount I'm comfortable with someone spending for me.Dawni,
If you really want some 415 just pm me your mailing addy and I'll check on the cost of sending you a couple of pounds ( kilo) or so.
Please, don't mention something you are not completelly sure, to México get ruined it needs a lot more than a genetic pool of corn to say something, as México is one of the most richest and blessed countries with a lot of natural resources. I know talking about GM food, some people think have the last word and with all the respect it's not true. In todays world everything has been modificated one way or another and I'm sure most of the time it is for a good reason. I'm in favor of the GM food and not being a scientist or specialist in the field ( I have a Degree in Graphic Design and another one in Business Administration) I prefer not to comment on that subject but in what I have been interested for the past 10 years, which is to make soap.It almost ruined Mexico, which is the country housing the largest genetic pool of corn varieties which exist.
Soy Wax: about a year ago I try for first time the use of soy wax in my soaps, my first soap with the wax was beautiful and very smooth, the second batch acelerates incredible fast, why? have no idea, I repeat the recipe at different temperatures and all was the same, to hard very soon and difficult to pour in the molds, so I forget about soy wax for about 6 months. But I am a stubborn person who loves the challenges, and develop a new recipe that include soy wax again as part of the oils, at the begining I was using 15% , now I end using just 5%, don't need more than that to have a soap with a dense lather that I love!
After read that some of you use and incredible amount of soy wax in your soaps with success, I will try again to increase the percentage in my recipes, hope with the success you are having.
So let's go forth and make soap happily with our chosen 'politically incorrect', non-sustainable, questionably sustainable, genetically modified, Monsanto tainted, dairy/meat industry hate-campaigned OIL OF CHOICE.
Hi Dean,
it does not even allow me to get a trace, it gets super hard almost immediately I start using the stick blender and in a less hard state but hard gelatinous if I use only the spatula.
For me it is a big surprise as it is the same recipe, nothing change and the first one was beautiful!!
I will try again with a higher percentage of soy wax to see what happens.
Thank you for your answer.
Please, don't mention something you are not completelly sure, to México get ruined it needs a lot more than a genetic pool of corn to say something, as México is one of the most richest and blessed countries with a lot of natural resources. I
Recipe (remember I have been dubbed Princess Poly-Oil by @Dean):
Apricot Kernel Oil: 15%
Babassu Oil: 10%
Castor Oil: 10%
Coconut Oil: 15%
Olive Oil: 20%
Shea Butter: 10%
Soy Wax (415): 20%
Lye Conc: 30%
Super Fat: 5%
SW has never performed that way for me and I have used it since almost day one. Something else must be going on. You may want to post the recipe that seized for feedback. Include your additives, such as FO, and process and we'll see if we can ferret out the issue.
I usually use colour and a fragrance - EO or FO, usually both! But maybe try a pain one to see how it goes. Or citrus EOs are usually good for being slow moving - orangle, lemon, grapefruit - maybe give that a go?KiwiMoose, I want to give it a try to your recipe, I'm going to change Babassu for PKO as I don't have any Babassu at the moment, already check in the soap calc and the diferences are minimum, as soon as it's ready I will post it for you to see it....just one question, did you add aditives like sugar, silk, SL etc. or without additives just F.O.? I'm going to try "Unscented" to see exactly how the soap behave. Thank you!
You may want to post the recipe that seized for feedback. Include your additives, such as FO, and process and we'll see if we can ferret out the issue.
This is the recipe I'm talking about, I made a small amount as was a test for the use of soy wax, I made 1 kilo batch.
When I'm testing a recipe I have a rule, small batch and no additives or fragrances nor essential oils as I want to see how the recipe really behave.
I have a mold of 450g that it's the one I use for the test of my recipes, because this one have soy wax I decided to make 1 kilo batch instead of 450g.
Method: CPOLP (just the light on, not the oven).
S.F.10% Cc 30%
Beer as liquid
31% Palm
28% Lard
21% Palm Kernel oil flakes
10% Avocado oil
5% Castor oil
5% Soy Wax
F.O. or E.O.: No
Sugar: No
Other additives: No
Days before put the beer in a pot
and on low heat put the beer to reduce by half to ensure it has no alcohol, I weighed the amount I needed and I froze it. Add the Sodium hidroxide to the frozen beer and move it with a spoon to be sure it was very well dissolved.
In another container I put the hard oils and soy wax to be melted then add the liquid oils, check the temp and it was 130F and the lye at 120F, I mix both and start to use the stick blender, almost immediatelly the mix became very thick, hard...almost imposible to mix, I continue with the stick blender up and down and move to a spoon but it was imposible to move so I decided to put it in the mold with the help of the spoon, I put it in the oven with just the light on, after six hours was hard as a rock and imposible to cut, so I decided to unmold and grate the soap for a rebatch.
Well that was my experience with soy wax, I try the same recipe with different temperatures with the same result, so I decided to quit on the soy wax until I found KiwiMoose recipe and saw her soaps, so I want to try again with her recipe to see how it goes.
I know the recipe is 85% hard oils and 15% liquid oils, but I repeat the test without soy and behave perfectly, I changed soy wax for RBO.
Please let me know if somebody repeat this recipe and how it goes.
Enjoy making soap!!!![]()
Thx. I had a ferret. He got frequent baths.By the way.....super cute!!!
Hi there,
I would like to reach out to all CP soapers who use Soy Wax in their recipes. I don't want this thread to turn into a debate about genetic modification, or hydrogenation or veganism or anti-palm. I just want to discuss the benefits/issues/drawbacks related to using soy wax in soap.
Is there anybody out there who uses it? Let's talk!![]()
But then there would never BE a pi day. What they forgot to mention is that you eat PIE on pi day !!That's coz you crazy cats put your month and day round the wrong way. It should be 14/3![]()