Ask me in 6 months or moreI haven't used soy wax yet but do have a tub of it here to try. Is rice bran oil prone to DOS at all?
I usually use around 15%, but I'm still tweaking my 'ultimate' recipe, so it can vary. But at 15% that keeps the linoleic and linolenic combined at 10% so hopefully won't get to see any DOS.
I know I said I didn't want to enter into any debates, BUT....Nope never used it simply because - well - it's soy and conjurs up so many negative thoughts.
However, I've been find using soaps with a small amount of soy oil in the past. And because Dean and someone else have been excited about it I would consider it if there was a really "clean" source.
I started to ponder the many comments and outright negativity towards SW by many on this site. It's interesting how we don't have that so much in New Zealand, but we do get it against Palm oil. I think it has all comes down to propaganda, for both types of oil.
Our propaganda in NZ is greatly focused against palm for deforestation issues, and also seemingly 'sustainable' sources still being exploitative of the land and workers thereof (search Guatemalan Palm Oil farmers exploitation).
Whereas I think in the USA there seems to be a lot of propaganda against soy - mainly from the dairy and or meat industry who want to stop the migration of consumers from animal products to soy products (search anti soy campaigns USA). Notwithstanding - I think we are all agreed that Monsanto's GMO and dirty tactics against the small farmers - accusing them of 'theft' because the farmers' organic soy was being cross pollinated with Monsanto's 'super soy' - is unacceptable.
Because we don't grow soy, or palm, in New Zealand - I guess the media feeds us with the stories most relevant to us, and palm being the closer geographically (main crops are in Asia) gets the main rap.
So all that said, I think there are reasons to use, or not to use, either of these oils depending on which facts or elaborations of facts ( or even outright lies in some cases) you choose to accept or ignore.
All I know is - in New Zealand, people WILL ask if the soap is palm free, because that is what they know to ask. No-one would bat an eyelid about soy. I'm guessing it's the same for soy in USA - people WILL ask if it is soy- free (or at least baulk at the idea of having soy in their soap) but not mind so much about palm.
Then of course - there is the difference between what people will eat, and what they will put on their body. I will eat soy, and so therefore when wanting to make a vegan soap, soy is my preference. I won't eat palm, so....won't use it in my soap either. And, you may have palm in a lot of your products in the USA, but we don't here to the extreme that you do, and certainly not if food is prepared from scratch, which is still fairly common in the NZ household, although less so in the last decade or so. It is rare that anyone would use a product such as your 'Crisco'. people simply don't use that kind of thing in cooking any more. We do have a similar product, but it's made with coconut oil, and it is certainly not a common household item (very hard to find in the supermarkets).
I'm not vegan, nor vegetarian. I love me bacon!
Anyhoo - what a conundrum! I want to make vegan soap, and only vegan soap. If I want a hard bar and don't want to spend a fortune, I either make salt soaps only for the rest of my life, or I use either palm, or soy. I've chosen soy. many of you have chosen palm.
So let's go forth and make soap happily with our chosen 'politically incorrect', non-sustainable, questionably sustainable, genetically modified, Monsanto tainted, dairy/meat industry hate-campaigned OIL OF CHOICE.

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