Soapwort and/or Yucca Root?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2009
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Has anyone ever used soapwort and/or yucca root in their soap making? If so:
1. How did you incorporate either (or both) - tea, infusion, powder?
2. Where is the best place to purchase?

Any help would be appreciated. I'd like to make shampoo bars using chamomile and other herbs along with these twoand have been told that yucca root is good for the hair.
Sun, I wish I could give you a report. They are both things I've wanted to try.

I need to look up which yucca root works. Don't know if the variety in my yard is the right kind.

I have heard that soapwort root smells quite unpleasant, but have yet to verify that.

Hope someone who has used these will post.

I have used soapstone, out of a creek for hand and bath washing. I've wanted to try it, too, in soaps.

Ran across this thread about plants as soap: ... opic=460.0
Thanks. I think I'll just order some of each (small quantities) and try them both a few different ways. I'm not as concerned about the smell (unless its horrible of course!) as I am about helping my hair to grow. I had an Elder on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation tell me to wash my hair with yucca root infusion and another one tell me to mix it with soapwort. I'll make a few test batches and let everyone know.
Sun, I'm looking forward to your reports.

Some cut their hair according to the moon signs, and find that helps with new hair growth and stronger hair.
artisan soaps - not really hoping for anything, just curious more than anything. I thought I'd do either an oil or water infusion with each (separate batches at first and then a combination) and maybe add a bit of each powdered and see what happens. I know the Elders on the reservation would appreciate a soap made with them. Thinking in terms of some oo with co, joboba & castor with maybe eo of rosemary & peppermint (yuck, I DO NOT like the smell of rosemary but I'll deal with it - I can dry it out in the shed).
Sun, neither am I not fond of rosemary. I put in sage and thyme, with a few drops of lavender. I used those four in a recent soap and am very happy with it.

Don't know if any of that would appeal to you.