Soap Slab or Loaf/Log Cutter

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Hi Kazmi.

You're the second person I've read about whose had bad service from Silvermoon. I don't know if this is something that happened a while ago and whether things have changed but thanks for sharing that as I don't want to risk a lot of money on an overseas transaction if it's a bit "iffy". Maybe I'll have to just make my own silicone moulds!

My husband made me a log splitter with some wood and wire. As long as you lay it flat against the soap you get nice even loaves. I generally just lay the slap on end and run it across the top. I'll try to get a picture and post it tonight. It's very basic but works like a gem.

Hi Shunt

Sounds like an inexpensive solution for me. I could get a local woodwork place to make it. Do you have tighteners on the wires? I'd love to see a piccy if you have time. :)

Hi SillySoaper

I think it's fair to say we're all loving that soap cutter. It looks perfect for what I want. I read up about it on For Crafts Sake and there is a 1" spacer for trimming the soap. 1" Sounds like a lot of wastage but you can get a custom size spacer as well. I really don't want to trim more than 1/4" off my soap. Do you do a trim?

Love your soaps too :)

Hi everyone

Thanks for all your comments. You've been a great help. I really like the For Crafts Sake cutter that SillySoaper showed us so I'm going to look into it a bit further.
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Hi Melissa,

No problems with the trimming. I trim about ¼” off the tops also. I had my slab molds custom made along with the log cutter. My molds are 12 ¾” W x 12 3/8” L x 4” H. My log cutter cuts 6 logs that are about 2 1/8” W x 3 3/8” H x 12 3/8” L. I love for crafts sakes products, and highly recommend them. I also have 4 of their soap cutters, the tank to the hobby craft cutter in 1 ½”, 1”, ¾” and ½”.

The folks there are great to work with. If you decide to go with them, I know you will be very happy with the end result.
Melissa, let me see if I can get a photo of it tonight. It's very basic but works like a gem. If your intersted, I may have an extra one that he made and was going to sell. Let me check with I get home. I'll ask him what size log it cuts too.
I was thinking of doing the slab mold also and found this video for a loaf splitter, hope it helps. I plan to show it to my husband and see if he thinks it would work.

My husband made me a log splitter with some wood and wire. As long as you lay it flat against the soap you get nice even loaves. I generally just lay the slap on end and run it across the top. I'll try to get a picture and post it tonight. It's very basic but works like a gem.

Will you post a picture of the log splitter you made?
I know this is an old thread. But thought I would check. Im looking for plans to make a slab cutter.
Slab is 12 x 24 x 4" high approx. Dough pan size. Id like to cut it in 3 loaves or so. I have a bar cutter by Bud.
It is an old thread. None of the members have been here in quite some time. Pleas star a new thread. You can always link to an old one if it got pertinent information.