SC won't admit it but if you look here or elsewhere there are threads about getting coconut that had some other liquid oil in it (tank wash), avocado that wasn't all avocado, and, to my own sorrow, palm that was so adulterated it wasn't liquid at 110°.I agree. If I were you, @Jen74 I wouldn't waste any time getting in touch with Soapers Choice... the sooner the better.
You can copy and paste the URL to this thread in an email to them. I'll be anxious to hear how they respond.
I went round and round with them, they called me a liar even though I furnished them with photos and lot #'s. The credit card company agreed with me.
And the pail of palm from another supplier that came in that same heat wave that week was entirely liquid.
I'll say this: it isn't necessarily on purpose; I have no particular reason to think it is.
But even stupid mistakes from suppliers are costly and I spend my money elsewhere now.
And in any event it's smart to double check the quality of all our ingredients, wherever we get them.