Soap Floats

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Just was bathing and the soap dish.....AGAIN..........fell into the water. All my homemade soaps and one commercial one floated. The other commercial ones sank. I seem to remember that soap floated when I was a child, but in recent years I had to dig in the bottom of the tub for dropped soap.

Inquiring minds want to know..............why? Why does the homemade soap float? I do know that some of our commercial soap in the house is Dial and it reads as soap, not cleansing bar.

Any scientists out there?
my soap and all the commercial soaps I tried sink, but commercial soap doesn't melt if you don't retrieve it immediatly, whereas handmade soap tends to melt quite quickly
ivory soap floats - they whip air into it.

homemade soap shouldn't float unless you've done the same. HP'd or rebatched it? Whipped it?

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