Soap Fairies are having a great big party at my house !!!

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Everybody should be safe to soap today , the fairies are at my house . :cry:
My stick blender stuck on :shock: .It was not easy to unplug it with 1 hand , spilled my superfat oils ,grrrrr. I think I am lucky it wasn't worse than that. Good thing I have 3 stick blenders :wink: (well 1 is supposed to be for the kitchen but that is not where you will find it.)I still have 1 more layer of soap to make , I hope they are gone.. :roll:
Glad to hear I was not the only one who had problems today! LOL

I made my loofah soap but for some odd reason I forgot to put the cap on the bottom of the PVC pipe. So, here I am, with the pipe almost full (the bottom was "stopped" by the counter), when I realize there is no cap on the bottom of the pipe. I had to put the cap on the edge of the counter and slide the pipe REALLY fast off the edge of the counter and into the cap. Talk about a mess!!
Oh Ashley , yikes!! but you saved it. Soapers have to think fast . I am glad you got the lid on . Those darn fairies..

Oh Ashley!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .........

(I'm laughing with you, honest....... :wink: )

That is sooo something I would do!

@Kitn - you definitely had the soap fairies (though if you ask starduster, the fairies are getting a bad name but it is really the soap pixies causing the problems).

Tanya :)
They have also made an appearance at my house!! I was just making a lovely soap and was going to scent it Ocean fo...well when I used blue colouring (food colouring because this soap is only for me) the soap turned red so I ran to my "work space" and grabbed my rose petal fo and yes, it seizing up ran through my continued on and BAM!! seized up in seconds!!! I'm so new to all of this still!! :) I hope I got the fo mixed in good enough before I poured the "goop" into my mould. :)

As you can tell I am a freak about colour coding scents to colours :lol:
Vonna said:
They have also made an appearance at my house!! I was just making a lovely soap and was going to scent it Ocean fo...well when I used blue colouring (food colouring because this soap is only for me) the soap turned red so I ran to my "work space" and grabbed my rose petal fo and yes, it seizing up ran through my continued on and BAM!! seized up in seconds!!! I'm so new to all of this still!! :) I hope I got the fo mixed in good enough before I poured the "goop" into my mould. :)

As you can tell I am a freak about colour coding scents to colours :lol:

That lovely shade of red will be purple before it's all said & done. Don't ask how I know.... :roll: Food color does funny things is high pH
Vonna said:
They have also made an appearance at my house!! I was just making a lovely soap and was going to scent it Ocean fo...well when I used blue colouring (food colouring because this soap is only for me) the soap turned red so I ran to my "work space" and grabbed my rose petal fo and yes, it seizing up ran through my continued on and BAM!! seized up in seconds!!! I'm so new to all of this still!! :) I hope I got the fo mixed in good enough before I poured the "goop" into my mould. :)

As you can tell I am a freak about colour coding scents to colours :lol:

But your "goop" will still be soap.The fairies or pixies can't stop the soap from happening , but they sure the heck make it a challenge to get it done some days.
I think it is a good thing I was called to work today! I also think that soap fairies/pixies is too nice of a name for all of their mischief!

Soap gremlins for those bad boys!

Ashley: I did that with one of my PVCs not too long ago. Royal pain the derier! I so sympathize!
I am staying away from soaping today! Sorry to hear of everyone's troubles. :(

Not all of them I still have a couple here :shock: Apparently it doesn't matter what you are cooking , I just cut my finger pretty good making super.grrr
