So I had a weird market weekend.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Not that it was a bad market weekend. I did the best I have since Christmas. That being said, apparently my next-to-me vendor neighbor is a conspiracy theorist and couldn't resist sharing it with me constantly. He apparently thinks that viruses don't actually exist. That the gvt is doing mind control. That everything is a lie from everyone no matter what. Like it went on for hours. And it wasn't just this stuff. It was how he was never sick so it's not possible to actually get sick at all. That our food has been injected with mind control drugs. That it's not really possible to be fat (to put it lightly, I kind of am, he's not).

Man, I'm just here to sell soap, I don't care about this stuff and I'm not interested in conspiracy theories. I kept waiting for him to tell me that tin foil hats will keep government mind control waves from all our technology from entering your brain.

It was a very weird market weekend. And uncomfortable. I try to be nice to fellow vendors but... wow. I think I'll stick with the lady selling dog treats.
Not that it was a bad market weekend. I did the best I have since Christmas. That being said, apparently my next-to-me vendor neighbor is a conspiracy theorist and couldn't resist sharing it with me constantly. He apparently thinks that viruses don't actually exist. That the gvt is doing mind control. That everything is a lie from everyone no matter what. Like it went on for hours. And it wasn't just this stuff. It was how he was never sick so it's not possible to actually get sick at all. That our food has been injected with mind control drugs. That it's not really possible to be fat (to put it lightly, I kind of am, he's not).

Man, I'm just here to sell soap, I don't care about this stuff and I'm not interested in conspiracy theories. I kept waiting for him to tell me that tin foil hats will keep government mind control waves from all our technology from entering your brain.

It was a very weird market weekend. And uncomfortable. I try to be nice to fellow vendors but... wow. I think I'll stick with the lady selling dog treats.
😂 I had a laugh reading you, but must have been a nightmare...
Yeah, one of the things I love about being at the market is you never know who you'll be next to. The woman who sells aprons and stuff with nothing but skulls and NEVER stops talking? The witchy flower seller who's lead a fascinating life as a travelling entertainer? The reseller whose spiel you know by heart but barely says a word otherwise? The couple who makes flavoured salt and have two adorable kids who want to be vendors as well (they had their own lemonade stand this past Sunday)?

There are always the odd ones in amidst the beautiful people; it makes for an interesting day. Hopefully, next time you'll be next to an amazing vendor.
I am always amazed that people like this think they will convince/convert anyone to their way of thinking. I don’t remember the source, but as the saying goes,

“A man convinced against his will remains of the same opinion still.”

Hopefully sitting next to this guy was a one-off. The dog treat lady sounds so much more pleasant. 🤣
my next-to-me vendor neighbor is a conspiracy theorist and couldn't resist sharing it with me constantly. He apparently thinks that viruses don't actually exist. That the gvt is doing mind control. That everything is a lie from everyone no matter what. Like it went on for hours. And it wasn't just this stuff. It was how he was never sick so it's not possible to actually get sick at all. That our food has been injected with mind control drugs. That it's not really possible to be fat (to put it lightly, I kind of am, he's not).
I hope you took notes? He could be right. I say that while at my iMac, tinfoil hat firmly in place. :computerbath:
Smack Laugh.gif
Smack Laugh.gif
Smack Laugh.gif
I am always amazed that people like this think they will convince/convert anyone to their way of thinking. I don’t remember the source, but as the saying goes,

“A man convinced against his will remains of the same opinion still.”

Hopefully sitting next to this guy was a one-off. The dog treat lady sounds so much more pleasant. 🤣
lol, She has a pink doggie called sugar that is the least barky of the barky dogs I've ever met but is utterly adorable and kiss and cuddle worthy. She has some of the same mindsets as the other guy but at least she doesn't go on and on about it like a lunatic.
That sounds kind of excruciating. I had a winter event with a young couple next to me selling tie dyed stuff. The woman was sweet and nice. The guy, who mostly wasn’t there, played rap music on his phone on speaker with the n word in every line and sang along with it. He didn’t keep that up luckily. I should have asked him to stop - I don’t know why I didn’t. Just stupidly timid I guess. But it was really obnoxious.
That sounds kind of excruciating. I had a winter event with a young couple next to me selling tie dyed stuff. The woman was sweet and nice. The guy, who mostly wasn’t there, played rap music on his phone on speaker with the n word in every line and sang along with it. He didn’t keep that up luckily. I should have asked him to stop - I don’t know why I didn’t. Just stupidly timid I guess. But it was really obnoxious.
Ugh, that is so hard. I was recently receiving an infusion at a medical office. Six of us were in the infusion room when an older lady came in, plopped herself in her chair, and promptly turned on the speaker to her cell phone at full volume (the room wasn't noisy). We all listened to her sitcom for about five minutes, at which point, I asked her, very kindly and with a smile on my face, "Please turn that down." She didn't look at me or acknowledge me, but she turned the sound off. I thanked her, but she acted like I wasn't there. A few people in the room mouthed "thank you" to me - and one clapped.

After I was done with my infusion, I barely had one foot over the threshold to leave the room when she turned the sound back on, full blast. The other five people were still there. :oops:
That being said, apparently my next-to-me vendor neighbor is a conspiracy theorist and couldn't resist sharing it with me constantly...

I'm surprised he didn't suspect you as part of the conspiracy. His twisted mind would have come up with something like: "Aha, what are you selling here? Special brainwashing soaps?"
I'm surprised he didn't suspect you as part of the conspiracy. His twisted mind would have come up with something like: "Aha, what are you selling here? Special brainwashing soaps?"
lol, I wouldn't be surprised if he did but I think he was more focused on sharing his nuttery with someone else.
I commiserate. Hope we all get to have great neighbours, both at home and at markets.

I once had a lady who came and started going on about how great her religion was. First pretended to be interested in my soap, then got going. My neighbour, a lovely candle maker took pity on me and came over to buy some soap, just to rescue me. That obnoxious lady was forced to leave, shew what a relief.

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