TP, that is gorgeous, and a perfect demo for this challenge. And I am not generally one for fancy tops, so even more impressive. I have a feeling I know where one of my votes is going
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Cut mine today. As you can see, the bright "Steelers" gold/yellow I was hoping for became a brown on the top over night. I fully expect the yellow inside to turn to brown as it cures. I think I will try this again without CPOPing as the FO discolored batter remnants in the pitcher have remained yellow. I also think that I will try this w/out adding FO to the other parts of the batter to see if I can maintain a true red, blue, black and white.
On a side note: I don't think I did too bad for my first attempt at a butterfly swirl.
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I just cut this one. It's espresso, dark rich chocolate and peppermint EO. Going to attempt one more with these fragrances today.
Sonya, you have until the 23rd! Thats almost a week away. That should be plenty of time to see some discoloration at least. Even if its not the final one.