Yea! Just a reminder to keep 1/5 of the batter scented and uncolored , and you can color other portions with the discoloring fo so long as its the same or darker I believe it states and you're good to go!
Is this correct galaxy?
Yes, thats correct. I want to clarify something though that I'm not sure I got across clearly.
As long as one portion of your batter is uncolored w/ fragrance, you can do whatever colors you want with the rest of it (as long as one of the colors is a logo color) no matter how dark/different it is from your discoloring FO.
The rule about the "end color of your FO must be darker than the amount of color you put in" only applies if you are not doing a section without color already. The purpose of that rule is so we can all get a feeling of what your FO discolors to by itself.
I'll give you an example with brick red and a gradient. Your FO discolors to brown.
So, you split the batter into 5 parts.
1. you add your DFO only to it
2. Add DFO + a small amount of color
3. less DFO + more color
4. Even less DFO and more color
5. No DFO and only color.
Here you would have your brick red which lets say you choose goes with the levis logo.
To enter, you would say:
Here is my soap. It is colored with "Levis Red" (Brick red oxide) and my discoloring FO is ____. The bottom layer has only the discoloring FO in it.
Gosh, I really did make this complicated didnt I? I'm sorry guys...