is it a section of color that's similar to Victoria's secret pink (your pink mica selection) the reason you named it
Its this. It has nothing to do with the fragrance name!!
is it a section of color that's similar to Victoria's secret pink (your pink mica selection) the reason you named it
I'm worried my FO won't discolour enough - it only has 2.26% vanillin. I wonder if I've got anymore that will.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a brand that is bright red? I want to use one, but I am having a brain fart and can't think of a brand color that works.
It just has to be a brand name color but you don't have to do the whole design as a brand, right?
Like I was thinking Bruins Brown but I don't want to make a soap that looks like the Bruins. Does that make sense?
Does anyone have any suggestions for a brand that is bright red? I want to use one, but I am having a brain fart and can't think of a brand color that works.
Okay so I'll be joining- My FO will be Aztec's Eggnog, My two colors will be TD, & tangerine Wow which is the color of Fanta Soda. I'll use the Fanta soda in both the scented & unscented portions of the batter, & TD in both etc...will be to choose a swirl.
1/5 of the batter scented and uncolored