What lye concentration did you use and what SF? Was your Faux Seawater made exactly as directed? And did you soap as warm as directed?This is ALL FAKE NEWS!!!! I have only replaced mere 96% of the oils in the recipe, yet my soap is already 24 hours overdue right now – still far enough away from decent hardness that unmoulding is still way out of question. I've hidden my actual batch so that I don't constantly touch and squeeze it to test if it's hardened up yet.
I used [38% Lye] and 0% SF. My Faux Seawater may have been shy or heavy on the salt & the Sodium Bicarb, though, because I did not have a Tablespoon (per se) with me, so had to guestimate. The heat and extra SBing helped speed trace, so I expect gel to be quicker than usual. Still, it will CPOP in the trunk of my car tomorrow if the sun shines brightly while I drive. So I am optimistic about the early cutting possibilities. But, we shall see.