I am just pouring my soap! It will come out of the mold tomorrow at around 3pm, plenty of time for the entry. I just hope it comes out nice!
Good luck. I cut my 3rd try this morning but the loaf was pretty malleable so I've got to wait to be able to handle the individual bars for pictures. I made 3 pretty much back-to-back in hopes one would be decent enough to enter.I am just pouring my soap! It will come out of the mold tomorrow at around 3pm, plenty of time for the entry. I just hope it comes out nice!
So sorry to hear that, it is very frustrating. I smushed a bunch of my droplets because I 'thought' I could carefully drizzle soap batter over a spatula onto the area where my individual droplets were laying below it. I did it slowly and none went through the surface; however, they did flatten the droplets. Sadly, the colors were the best and boldest of the three I did. My hubby likes it best out of the 3 attempts but I don't like the fact that many are flattened or pushed over on their sides. The best droplets, like raindrops which is what I was shooting for, are all light in color. I should have listened to my gut and mixed more color. It would have been better that I had 'too much' than not enough. Once I mixed the colors into the batter I realized right away that all would be too light, more like pastel than bright and vivid. I couldn't stop to mix more because then my batter would have set up too much to make the droplets.After 9 hours of set time, my soap was firm and set. I cut the loaf and it is a frailer in my books. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I am consistent with dud bars. Photos in the AM.
It's my tomorrow lol.. Or shall I say later, in less than 12hrs"The Entry thread will close on October 25, 2019 at 11:59 pm CST"
Wait. Is that today? And if it's 11:59 CST, then that's 10:59 in New Jersey. Hmmm... I might just make it.
My second batch is napping in the cozy oven. Even if it doesn't come out of the mold on time, I still have my first attempt ready to go.
My attempt and failure. The other one is just too bad to post. Funny this, it's a recipe I've used before for fluid HP batter, and I managed two previous challenge entries with it.
I have no idea what happened this time, why the cocoa powder (I've used this before) thickened up one part, and the titanium dioxide (I've also used this before) made stringy soap akin to mozzarella. I keep looking back at my notes to see if I missed anything or didaanything differently but I have everything checked........."
Here is the first attempt. The batter didn't want to thicken up. Or, maybe I was too impatient. Anyway, I ended up doing this one like a traditional drop swirl, only using the squeezey bottles instead of pouring from a pitcher. I also (in my opinion) had too much colored batter and not enough white space. So, cute, but not a lot like "mini drop swirl," as I think of it.
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Anyone who tries to do these challenges by way of HP is BRAVER than me. While I've made HP, I prefer CP. You did better than what I would have done, at least you got 2 colors within your white and managed a scalloped edge of orange going on atop your bars. I would have made a mess of things I fear.
Michele, You're too hard on yourself. I think they look awesome. Wonderful job!This was my 2nd attempt but I should have used a different technique to layer my drops because I squished 3 layers of them. My oils: Lard, Palm oil (responsibly sourced), CO, EVOO, and Castor oil. My colors: Cobalt Blue, Magic Purple, Magic Yellow, Saffron, and Silver Shimmer Black. I used a little of the Magic Yellow and Saffron for my base.
What I like: the drops were spot on with the depth of color and I was able to get 2-3 colors in several drops. Because of the colors and # of colors in the droplets, my DH and I liked this one best.
What I don’t like: I should have used extensions on my squeeze bottles and cannot figure out why I didn’t think of it at the time. I poured most of my batter and did some drops, then I slowly and carefully poured more batter over a spatula so there’d be space above the 1st drops. I repeated this process a few times which smooshed my droplets and turned some on their side.
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My 3rd attempt and the colors were, AGAIN, too light--note to self: "go with your gut and mix colors deeper when you feel they might be too pale." I chose 6 different colors—Sky Blue, Flash Red Wine, King’s Gold, Magic Purple, Saffron, and Ocean Blue. I tried adding more of the Magic Purple to my squeeze bottle but couldn’t get it blended with just shaking. I didn’t try to deepen the other colors; I do kinda like the ‘speckled’ look to the purple though. My 6 colors actually look as though I used only orange, purple and 2 blues.
What I liked: I got my drops as I wanted, dispersed throughout the base and not crowded. They look like raindrops and I liked that.
What I don’t like: With the colors being so faint there wasn’t any use in trying to get multiple colors inside the droplets, any seen are purely accidental.
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This technique was fun to try even though I was disappointed in both of these, especially since they could have been quite successful had I listened to my inner self.
Thanks @linne1giMichele, You're too hard on yourself. I think they look awesome. Wonderful job!