Well-Known Member
My favorite recipe is a 75% evoo & pomace mix, 8% castor & 17% coconut oil I think adding pomace to my evoo helps to speed up my trace.
I just made this soap and it's a keeper!
Pumpkin Pie Soap
• 6 oz coconut oil
• 6 oz palm oil
• 6 oz olive oil
• 4 oz cocoa butter
• 3.1 oz lye
• 4.2 oz water
• 3 oz pureed pumpkin
• 1 ½ tbsp dried goats milk
• 1.5 oz Pumpkin Pie Fragrance Oil
• ½ tspn ground cloves
• 1 ½ tbsp brown sugar
I did hot process on this one. Nice soap, the pumpkin makes a perfect color. I added the brown sugar to the water mixture and dissolved before I added the lye. I did hot process, so blended everything in the crockpot. Gets to a heavy trace quickly after you add the pumpkin, goats milk, fragrance and cloves. It also cooked quickly in the crockpot (maybe 20 minutes), so keep your eye on it if you're doing hot process.
I know this is an old thread, but if still here, would this recipe work in cp? When did u add the pumpkin puree? At trace or blended with all of your oils and did a water discount on your lye solution ? Thanks
"Originally Posted by JumpinKaren View Post
I just made this soap and it's a keeper!
Pumpkin Pie Soap
• 6 oz coconut oil
• 6 oz palm oil
• 6 oz olive oil
• 4 oz cocoa butter
• 3.1 oz lye
• 4.2 oz water
• 3 oz pureed pumpkin
• 1 ½ tbsp dried goats milk
• 1.5 oz Pumpkin Pie Fragrance Oil
• ½ tspn ground cloves
• 1 ½ tbsp brown sugar
I did hot process on this one. Nice soap, the pumpkin makes a perfect color. I added the brown sugar to the water mixture and dissolved before I added the lye. I did hot process, so blended everything in the crockpot. Gets to a heavy trace quickly after you add the pumpkin, goats milk, fragrance and cloves. It also cooked quickly in the crockpot (maybe 20 minutes), so keep your eye on it if you're doing hot process.
This is a very old thread, and I have not seen that person around in quite a while, but I can probably guess enough to answer your questions. The recipe would work in CP. The pumpkin puree, goat's milk, fragrance and cloves were probably added right after the lye water. There is no water discount on HP soap, so no.
Now, my personal opinion on this:
The ground cloves will not yield any scent, and is not really any use here. It also gets a bit scratchy, in my experience.
The goat's milk, pumpkin, and brown sugar combo is going to make this a VERY high risk of over heating. I would freeze my mold before making, then put this straight into the freezer after pouring. Leave it in there for 24 hours, then watch it like a hawk the following 24 hours. You may not be able to unmold this for a few days, so don't despair. I would also soap as cool as possible.
I also think that this is a very complicated recipe for where you are at experience wise.
I would love a suggestion on a soap-free cleansing bar - I would like to make with no lye..... any suggestions?
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I noticed from some of the recipes that quite a few oils and a few other ingredients are used in just one recipe. Wouldn't using many kinds of oils, like five or more, result in a higher cost per bar?
Re: Share your favorite soap recipe
What superfat have you been using? I have dry, sensitive skin and I've found 7% or higher works best for my skin. I also like buttermilk or cream in my soaps.
Sorry I just joined and I realized that after I posted. Any chance you can delete the quotation posts anc just leave my recipe? I’ll pay attention better. Thanks !@kasandrashy the two posters you quoted have not been here in a very long time.
I can feel the difference of 5% Shea when I use it, and many others do as well. I can also feel the difference of tussah silk, goat milk, vinegar, and AVJ.After reading a lot on this site, I see some people say Shea Butter at 5% is useless, is this the consensus, should I replace the Shea Butter or bump it up? Any feedback is welcome. Thanks,