Well-Known Member
Thanks for this Chris. Better late than never!
I forgot to grab a new shampoo bar tonight when I showered so I used my 100% lard bar and it is nearly as nice as Genny's original recipe. I'm going to try it for a few days and see how it compares, it would be fantastic to have a harder bar for shampooing with.
I just did another BIG batch of shampoo soap (trying to build stock for my microbusiness). Added 10% coconut oil and took out 5% avocado and 5% castor oil from before. Added 1 tsp/lb sugar and 0.5 tsp/lb bentonite clay. Still kept the same three essential oils, but added more lavender and reduced the peppermint. We'll see how it turns out, but I'm guessing it will be good.
Good to know. I made a batch of 100% lard bars last week, to see what the rave was all about. They're still curing. Keep us updated on how it worked after using for a while as shampoo.
A question for those of you with long fine hair. Do you find it difficult to comb your hair out after washing it with the shampoo bars? When I used one my hair felt stripped and the comb would never make it through without a lot of conditioning. I want to get away from commercial shampoo but I haven't found the right formula for my hair yet.
I made the "Genny/Lindy" bar as I call it. I have shoulder length hair and with this bar I can comb thru it very easily. It doesn't feel stripped at all, no conditioner, no fly aways and the best ever is no hair falling out all over like I do with even a very expensive shampoo. I even use this all over as a body bar. Oh, and no irritated itchy scalp like I normally do. I've tried other shampoo bars and this one is the best for me so far. I LOVE this recipe BUT......
..after about 5 days, my hair looks oily up towards the scalp. I go back to using a regular (expensive popular) shampoo....back to matted clump, fly aways and itchy breaking out scalp. SO then I go back to the poo bar! .....I have normal hair, maybe a bit oily. On my next batch I'm wondering if I should:
#1: skip the shea butter and up all the other oils OR
#2: keep the recipe the same and add 5% coconut oil OR
#3: vinegar rinse (haven't tried yet)
#4: adjust the sf (at 6% now)
#5: add some clay (I do have a bit of a wave)
Again thanks for sharing this recipe!