Just made my second ever batch of soap and it didn't go according to plan! It's just after midnight here in the UK and I'm just finished. The first batch I made (last Sat), I only just melted the solid oils and let the lye water cool right down (maybe too cool) so when I got too thick a trace very quickly I first thought false trace, mix a little more by hand but no, It was a full trace. Plopped it in the mould, gelled half and put the other half in the freezer to prevent gel.Not the best looking soap but I trimmed it to the point where it looks ok.It is 1 week old and lathers very nicely. So, onto todays foray.Last weeks soap being still a bit "spongy" and me being impatient I thought I'd discount the water to 28% of oil weight (33% concentration). Warmed oils more than before, added lye solution when it was bearable to hold, SB'D in short bursts, stirred a little got a very light trace - Fab. Added the FO - Oh no! NOW I KNOW WHAT SOAP ON A STICK IS! Couldn't prevent gel even in the freezer for my "experiment" of gel half and not gel half so I warmed in the oven with the rest and let it gel fully. Floral? I hear you ask. No - peaches and cream! Can't find my camera or I would post pics of what not to do! Never mind at least I got a good peachy colour from infusing 2tsp of paprika in my OO then straining it and adding to the rest of oils. Oh well off to bed now I will try again next week!