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Oct 29, 2019
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Hello, being a lab technician I am interested to learn more concerning the scientifical side of soapmaking and saponification. In my search I came across a book which seemed interesting "soap manufacturing technology" from Luis Spitz. But considering it's price, I am hesitating to buy it.

Could anybody recommend me a similar book and or direct me to scientifical litterature on soap making.

By scientifical litterature I mean more scientifical than just a recipe and the protocol to achieve it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
I understand the need for something more scientific - I used to do medical research, and taught high school science. I understand the need for slightly more information about saponification. The problem is how far is far enough? I really enjoy organic chemistry, but, that doesn't mean I can always predict how a reaction will proceed. Those who know how to do this will understand what I mean. But I digress.
I did an Ebscohost search, and I came up with an article about soap making as part of a curriculum. "Teaching with soap: Examples of project-based units for students and future educators." Ivan Havel, Kastro Hamed, in Science Activities, 2016, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p74-86 I thought it could give you some of the information you were looking for, or if not, at least begin to steer you in the right direction.
I wanted to see if I could find the additional links, and came across this one entitled Soap Making: Practical and Artistic Chemistry for the Waldorf School Curriculum:
It has some ages that rely on wiki, but ti also incorporates the chemistry of saponification. I would go further than that to work with the equations, but, it very well may be what you need.
The Ultimate Guide series from Ashlee Greene contains a fair amount of scientific info, although not as much as the Scientific Soapmaking book linked above by @BattleGnome. Her three e-books (hot process, cold process, and liquid soap) contain quite a bit of overlap in the science areas, although there are some differences with how certain fats behave in LS v. HP or CP (due mostly to using KOH instead of NaOH).

I have all three books and still refer to them even years later when I want to look up something without turning on my computer.
Started reading this book. Very practical with calculations on matching lye and oils to get full reactions no excess lye. Has multiple oil mixtures for recipes. So far well worth the trouble of studying. Basic chemistry, mathematics. Practical experiments and step by step examples to try. There are calculations for NaOH for Saponification verses KOH. SAP, or SV and SSV for NaOH. Very interesting after being confused and struggling to understand.

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