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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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I made 2 attempts at Salt Bars.... I like to think of them now as "Spa Bars" .... First attempt, I poured my soap and ran off for a little shopping in Madison on Sunday with my son.... Hoping to be home in time to slice successfully.... Only gone 4 hours, but too long... My bars broke.....
So, the next night after work I wanted to try it again....

Only waited 1 hour and 15 minutes to slice.... Used a wire from my jewelry stuff to slice.... Very happy with the results....

Next time I want to use a mold for individual bars.....
First photo is of from my broken bars and second one is from my successfully sliced bars....[/img]URL=]
Awww, the suspense is killing me. I really want to see youre soap bars. I am hatching a plan to do something really unique with salt bars...there my latest obsession :) glad to hear about your success!
Hello Heart looks like you are having trouble loading picture. This is what I do to load it:

1. click on Img
2. click on host it (this will take you to imageShack)
3. click on browse & choose file from your computer
4. click upload button
5. copy "forum code link"
6. paste code here
7. click Img again & preview to see if it worked

Good luck we'd like to see those pics :wink:
Thank You!

Thank you so much everyone for photo upload help! Especially Elly!!!! Now I need that mold where the dividers go in after soap is pored For cleaner edges.. :) !!!!
Glad you were able to post pics, I remember my first attempt I was so frustrated trying to do it. Love the color of your soap, they came out lovely :wink:
They look great! I love salt bars!

Want something to do with the cracked one? Grate it finely add honey powder and use it as a facial scrub... I love that!

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