Ridiculed for having an interest in making soap....

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While it may have been in fun, she may secretly be wondering if you are homosexual. My cousin gets asked if he is! (which is a stereotypical perception) So what if you or other males are or aren't??? It's what you enjoy. How RUDE of people!!

But as you can see, there are many guys on here. Actually I think it's a good way to make some extra money and have unique gifts for friends and family. I know that when I was struggling financially, I would hate to break a $20 for one gift. However, I could get a bunch of soap for that same $20 and f/f loved it! Now I make my own :D
I have never been given any grief for being a soap maker. Most have alot of questions about it but nothing negitive.

Thanks for the responses everyone...

I wasn't too bothered by her questioning but it did make me wonder if the impulsive assumption from many would be to consider this a feminine pursuit...not that I care about that either really. I'm comfortable with who I am but I thought it would be worth getting some other reactions. I particularly enjoyed the response from the Soaping Trucker.

Personally, I think it makes the process of showering/bathing that much more enjoyable when you do with a nice bar of custom soap that has it's own unique texture and scent.

So, I'm going to be whipping up my first batches shortly after the first of the year and could certainly use some feedback to any questions.

Thanks again everyone...
I wasn't too bothered by her questioning but it did make me wonder if the impulsive assumption from many would be to consider this a feminine pursuit

Depends on how "feminine" you consider Granny, from the Beverly Hillbillies. She was my only role model for soapmaking before I got started. :lol:

Most "normal" women I know aren't real keen on putting on gloves and goggles and messing about with caustic chemicals.
It's likely folks can find a TON of reasons to make fun of me. If they wish to add soapmaking to the list - so be it.
I am a female and I have been getting a LOT of weird looks when I tell people I have taken up making soap- I have decided to keep my hobby to myself, except everyone can still expect to get soap for every gift I send from this point on. ;-)

For me, I guess I have always been more of a business woman than a soap maker, so I think that is what is causing people to be startled. I notice people are shocked when they see, smell and use the soap- I guess they assumed I was making that crude lye soap they used to make back in the day without measuring. Or maybe the weird looks were based on assumptions that I was making this out of necessity. Whatever the reason...same bottom line...

Who cares what people think?
I got picked on yesterday for my use of the word "saponification". I DO like using that word, I think it is cool.

I agree with the sentiment of who cares what people think. So far no one has turned down my free soap offerings! 8)
I see nothing strange in a man being interested in soap making at all. In fact I think that a masculine point of view in soap making adds balance to the craft. Afterall men wash too of course so why should making soap be considered a gender issue.
I know of some very accomplished male soapers with equally enviable success in the business. Anyone heard of Red Star soaps Tim Woodley he's made a great business sucess out of producing fine liquid soaps etc.

How about the greatest chefs we all know of, are they not mostly men too?

Kudos to you and I wish you every success. :D

I don't think gender makes a difference at all. If you are happy with your soaping making hobby that is all that matters. My husband has been helping me with my soaps for the past 7 months and actually loves mixing the lye solution with the oils. To be honest, he came up with my most popular soap (Lavender Lemon with Oatmeal). Gotta love that man!
23 year old male here! i like soap making, but for me its the pull off straight razor shaving that attracted me. i wanted to make my own shaving cream. and if i make a few batches of lavender soap and bath bombs along the way so be it! its good fun.
ChrissyB said:
One of the most "famous" soapers who definitely pushed the boundaries and changed the way soapers think of things is an Australian man, Named The Great Nizzy.
He pioneered the "whipped soap".
There are quite a few men on here, and they contribute to this forum just as much as the women, we've got DonnieJ, Steve, Rick, Bruce, Wayne, come on guys where are you?
Soapmaking is not girly, it's a mix of science, chemistry, and art.

Holy wow! I had no idea Nizzy was a guy! How cool is that?

I think if you like it- make it!
Why worry...I'm a 30 year old fire fighter and I make soap..

If it is something that you enjoy go for it. Like I mentioned in the subject I'm 30 years old and a fire fighter. My full time job is full of testosterone, but I don't give a dam. I love making cp soap. I know that the other guys like it because I have had my bars swiped more than one occasion.
If people want to make fun. So be it think about how much you could save making your own rather than buying it. I get looks from some people Im still making soap.
Lluvio said:
Hello everyone,

Well not exactly ridiculed but definitely "questioned" in terms of why. Mind you, it was all in fun but she still questioned WHY.

I'm a 38 year old male that has enjoyed buying CP soaps ever since my early 20's. After attending the Lamb and Sheep Wool Festival in Hagerstown, MD a few years back, I thought, why not learn to make some of this myself?

Perhaps this might be considered a feminine hobby but I never really put that much thought into it.

I just have enjoyed hand craft soaped with unique scents and textures. It certainly beats the stuff you find at your grocery store.

What are YOUR thoughts on this?

hey, i am a 22 year old male

one day my friend mentioned something like "oh it would be cool to make soap i always see it at the local farmers market" and for some reason i thought hey that might be a cool idea because i have always been a person who likes to learn new skills and i can appreciate home-made "artisan" products rather than mass produced chemical garbage that coems from corporations. the more i read about soap making the more i was like "wow this is awesome" and i cant wait to be able to make my own stuff and give it to friends and family.

but really who cares what people think or ask. learning how to make something is always something that should be respected and appreciated.
I am manly, at least I think I am, :) but I am a geek. After leaving a promising career as an ace auto mechanic to get a degree in EE/CS, spent my career as a technology and process automation consultant. My DW Billie is the creative one, and figured out how to do these crafts (candles, CP and HP soaps, lotions, lip balms, bath melts, and incense). However, I became fascinated with her creations, and am now as addicted to it as she is. If that makes me a sissy to some red necks, so be it. :shock: I have no plans to stop; I love it. (I also love my boat and the Colts) :D
Another bloke here, thankfully my whole life I have never given a rat's what anyone thought about what I do for entertainment and that goes for soaping as well. I think a lot of brave men would shy away from soaping once they discovered just how dangerous hot lye in your eye can be.
Since both male and female alike must use soap, I dont see where it matters who makes it and the days of any job being gender specific are fast fading into history. My two bob's worth. Steve. :D
I've never been given flack for making soap. I think that people who encounter me fall into two camps. One knows that I am very artistic and enjoy making things, it wouldn't surprise them. The other camp, sees a 6' tall, 280 pound muscle bound guy who used to cage fight and decide it's wiser to keep their mouth shut. :twisted:

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. "

that's from the princess diaries (but eleanor roosevelt originated it) and that's how i feel about lots of things. as long as you love doing what you do, who cares? better than sitting around twiddling your thumbs.