Rice anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Wisconsin
I'd like a little chow mein with my RICE!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh. I wanted to make some lavender bars tonight and all was well at light trace. Then I added my lavender FO, blended with about 10% leftover lavender EO. That may well have been my first mistake, but I have never seen such ugliness, first ricing and then out and out curdles. 3 pounds....file 13.

Mixed at 110 degrees lye and oils.

Hope everyone else's night is soaping better! :cry:
If it's any consolation, we all have days (batches) like that!
I've lost count of the amount of batches I've made that have seized, or riced, or just didn't work out for one reason or another.
BUT on the upside, I have learnt lots and lots from those bad batches, and my soapmaking skills have improved enormously!!
Bummer , it happens to all of us from time to time, the next one will work out though.

I know I could have kept it to try to rebatch, but the way tonight is going, it was better to just cut the losses. I whipped up a new batch of just lard,PK, castor.

Upside: it's in the oven at 170. My molds are having a sleepover in the bake-box.

On the downside, I have acquired a Gorbachov spot on my forehead from soap splashing up from one of the molds I poured into. Lots of water later, I have a nice pink mark on my skin. Thank gosh I had my goggles and gloves on.
Oh no, that's terrible, I have splashed my arm, just where the gloves end. This was in summer and it was so stinkin' hot here there was no way I could have worn long sleeves, I would have died of heat exhaustion. It was very stingy and hurt a lot!
I hope your second batch works!