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Years ago I used lye at work.
One day we sent a young man to the hospital.

There is no way to properly stress the absolute need to wear the correct PPE's when dealing with lye.

To repeat what has been said before: never, ever use an acid to try and counter lye. The reaction between the base and acid can be violent and is thermic ( hot) as well.

The young fellah had some burns but came out okay. Something I will never forget though.
It's worth wearing them through clean up as well. I usually clean up equipment after I put the mold to bed and have putzed around. One time I cleaned up a while afterward and didn't even think about having eyewear on because of the gap in time. Sure enough, my finger hit the button on my Badger mini-mixer and sprayed batter right across my face at eye level and I got a full spray to both eyes.

I had a similar thing happen to me once when cleaning up in my early soaping days, but it was immediately after I was done soaping (no time gap). Back in those days, sometimes I would wear my goggles during clean up and sometimes I wouldn't. Thankfully, I still had my goggles on at that time and did not get any in my eyes. Whew! That close call was all it took for me to make it a practice to always wear them during clean-up as well.

IrishLass :)
I always wear mine when I am doing anything where there is active batter. I am such a clutz that it's just not worth the risk. I frequently splash things everywhere! I was cutting soap with a wire cutter once and somehow managed to flick tiny specks of fairly young soap into my eye and that hurt like crazy.

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