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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2014
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I'm playing around with the soap trying to come up with a nice recipe based on the oils I've purchased. I'm looking for something conditioning as well as cleansing.

20% avocado
5% castor
10% cocoa butter
15% PK flakes
10% Mango butter
5% jojoba
10% shea butter

Any feedback is welcomed
It's not complete by the looks of it - less than 100%

At this stage, though, I would say that butters in larger amounts (I think 30%+ or so) are known to reduce lather. The fatty-acid profile of those are also similar to lard, palm and tallow, which don't have the same negative impact on the lather.
I agree with Effy on this. Recipe incomplete and too much butter not enough lather either. I would up the PKO Flakes to at least 20% and lower the butters to 15-20% and would add palm or lard if you have it. I love avocado in soap and other products so I would keep that and any leftover % you could use OO
I apologize,did not proof myself.

20% coconut oil
5% acovado
Was left out of the recipe. Its avocado oil i'm using, not butter.

I don't have any palm oil and did not add it to my order this week. Does it sell at Trader Joe's? I'm going there today.

With the addition I gave, are the butter still too high?
With the additions included, it looks like it will make a very hard soap with a good amount of bubblage as well as a good bubbly to creamy ratio, but it's pretty low on the conditioning and high on the cleansing (at least for my personal tastes). However, with the right amount of superfat- oh, somewhere in the neighborhood of 10% or so- I think it might be quite lovely (at least for me, anyway). :)

IrishLass :)
.........With the addition I gave, are the butter still too high?

I'm not a big fan of butters in soaps, especially CP soaps, as the saponified versions are just so similar to what you get from the cheaper stuff - but then I have Scottish blood :D

PKOflakes and the CO is supposed to be a lovely combination - maybe bring it down again to 20% in total - if you can't get palm in time, maybe sub in some olive to get to 100%. Olive is never a certain requirement, but it will give you some nice conditioning numbers going on.
So my suggestion is -

20% avocado oil
5% castor
10% PK flakes
10% CO
5% jojoba
10% shea or mango butter (personally, I'd just add another 10% to the palm!)
40% Palm

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make it 0% butter
35% palm
15% OO
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Maybe I'm missing something, but even with the additions it still does not seem to add up to 100%

20% coconut oil
5% avocado oil
5% castor oil
10% cocoa butter
15% PK flakes
10% Mango butter
5% jojoba
10% shea butter
80% oils

There's still 20% missing.
I added olive oil to make up the missing 20%. I've tweaked it, but tried to keep it as close to your recipe as possible.

40% Olive oil
20% Coconut oil
15% Palm kernel flakes
5% Castor oil
5% Avocado oil
5% Jojoba oil
4% Mango butter
3% Shea butter
3% Cocoa butter

I think you'll find this has good bubblage, but it could be drying. You may find that you'll want to up the superfat. Another variation that will still have good bubbles, but less drying and more conditioning than the first is the following:

45% Olive oil
15% Coconut oil
15% Palm kernel flakes
5% Castor oil
5% Avocado oil
5% Jojoba oil
4% Mango butter
3% Shea butter
3% Cocoa butter
I use PKO and CO together but don't exceed 20-22%. They are both really cleansing. I love avocado at 10-15% and generally keep my butters between 10-15%. Castor and Olive are musts for me. Trader Joe's sometimes carries Spectrum Brand Palm. Play with some combinations in soapcalc and find what will work for what you are looking for. If you want higher butter % give it a try.
Seems like a lot of ingredients to me. Sometimes the simpler combos give even better results. However, I would probably go for something along these lines, maybe adding some sugar or beer or such to add to bubbliness, if you want to use some butter and the avocado without breaking the bank.

Personally I would not add jojoba to soap because it's so so expensive. I'd rather put it directly on my skin, to be honest.

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There isn't 20% missing. I mistakenly wrote 20 when it's 25% of avocado oil used. There isn't any OO used in this recipe.

I may or may not use that many oils in a recipe. Was playing around on the soapcalc, trying to get a handle on ready the number scale properly.

Newbie, I may not even use the jojoba oil in the soap. I use it in my hair mostly after I ran too low for a soap recipe (long story short, you're, its too expensive).
I use PKO and CO together but don't exceed 20-22%. They are both really cleansing. I love avocado at 10-15% and generally keep my butters between 10-15%. Castor and Olive are musts for me. Trader Joe's sometimes carries Spectrum Brand Palm. Play with some combinations in soapcalc and find what will work for what you are looking for. If you want higher butter % give it a try.

I'm going to continue to play around with the calc until I get at least 3 different workable recipes with the oils and butters I use.

The TJs I went to was very limiting. The register guy had no idea what I was talking about when I asked for Palm oil. This particular store is very limited compared to the one is Palm Beach county. The drive isn't worth it though so I will have to order online.

Thank you everyone for your help. I'm get more of an understanding with your suggestions and recipe tweeks. Awesome :thumbup:

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