Ready to bang my head...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Okay, I'm probably going to come across as a bit obnoxious and I apologize right

I have never picked up a hobby or craft that has interested me that I haven't been atleast passably good at. Painting, sewing, crochet, knitting, jewelry making...whatever it was, I saw it and thought "wow, I can do that!" and I did it. And it looked good! But this DARNED soap has me wanting to bash my head against the table!!!

I have soooooo much respect for all of you soapers! :clap: (they don't have a bowing smiley)

I posted about my 1st and second batch previously. They're curing now and will stay hidden until I use them up and have no further proof that they ever existed.

My 3rd batch was a 3 color funnel pour in a lined pringles can that had the bottom cut off. The colors turned out great BUT I got too excited when the soap felt firm enough to remove from the mold. When I pulled the soap out and unwrapped it from the liner, I knew immediately that it had been too soon and there was no way to put it back in the mold. I also found that I hadn't gotten all of the bubbles out of it after the pour. I let it sit for 24 hours and cut it. I really liked the color combination but I should have let it thicken a bit more before pouring because I wanted thicker concentric circles and these were too thin. Also, because I unmolded too soon, the soaps are a bit of a wonky

I made my 4th batch last night (I know you're all rolling your and I thought I had FINALLY had my act together, but sadly...not so much. I wrote out my plan of action, step by step because I tend to work better if I have it where I can see it. I made an oatmeal milk and honey soap and I knew that honey would cause the soap to heat up. I soaped at about 100 degrees and I should have gone cooler but that darned milk was getting darker and darker. I figured I would just embrace the gel and not even try to stop it. I hadn't thought about it over heating! Luckily (I think), I peeked at it at the 4 hour mark and saw the cracking across the top and the FO seeping out. I was using the ED silicone mold in the cardboard box so I pulled it out of the box and sat it on the table under the ceiling fan and went to bed trying not to cry. When I woke up today, almost all of the FO has been reabsorbed and the soap is hard but I'm not sure I should pull it out and try to cut it yet. I'm scared of what I may find inside the soap and I'm just not sure I can face another failure just was just so dang pretty when I finished molding it!

Again, I would like to say just how much respect and amazement I have for all of you soapers out there! Great job and thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and beautiful soaps!

edited - here's your smiley
I say breathe.. slow down a bit.. be patient.. and take a step back and make a basic soap first. :) All very hard things to do but you want to gain some confidence and making some very simple recipes in easy molds will allow you to get the basic movements down first before you get into trickier ones.

I think your 3rd batch would have been ok if you had just waited a bit so patience is all you needed for that one. hehe.

How long has the 4th been in there? 24 hours yet? what kind of mold?

I'm still fairly new but I've made about 19 batches now and still have yet to try honey yet due to the heating issue and funnel and pringles containers.. nope. Not saying that you can't, just saying there is a higher chance of messing it up if you aren't comfy yet with basic soaping. :)

Post pics when you un-mold!
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I feel your pain and frustration! Been there, done that, will do it again :wink: I think the greatest skill that anyone can have with learning how to soap is patience. I have my fingers crossed that this batch will come out better than you anticipate it to. If it doesn't, learn from it and make it again keeping what you learned in your plan of action. I keep notes on every batch making them right after I get it the mold while it's fresh in my mind.
Ha! Boy, do you have your work cut out for you. I've been soaping for three years and I botched a batch just the other day. And sometimes you get a run where 3 or 4 soaps in a row don't go your way. I suppose that is a part of what keeps people engaged is that it doesn't get boring because there are so many factors that can affect your soap; it's a never ending learning process.

I hope you're having some fun so the head banging is balanced out!!!
Patience!! YES...this is my problem and I know it! All of the batches are fine as far as being soap goes, they're just so stinkin ugly it's killing

This 4th batch is solid but has a slick of FO on the sides. I'm a 3rd shifter so I soaped at 1am last night and it's been in the mold for about 21 hours. I'll give it some more time to hopefully absorb that FO. It does smell pretty good though. After I cut this, I'll talk myself into posting pics of each batch so I can share the horror that is my ugly soaps.:twisted:
LOL Thanks for the laugh and the respect. I soap full-time to make a living and I still have epic failures and make a stupid mistake here and there. The great part about soap is that it is easy to learn from your failures and move on. If you love to learn and have patience (PATIENCE) then you will make the perfect batch one day and never look back.
Patience and just take your time, don't soap when you are tired or in a hurry..ugly soap works just as well as pretty soap..
We all have uglies! I have a few on my rack as we speak, but they smell good and they work. I or someone will be happy to use them. Plus, it's really kind of fun to see ugly soap; they can be pretty funny. Don't feel embarrassed to post them. We've even had ugly soap threads- they're a hoot!
Yes, uglies are abundant here as well, and patience has to be acquired ;). Give yourself some credit and keep at it. Soaping is very rewarding and just plain fun. There will be disappointments but sometimes you just need to see the results from a different perspective to appreciate your efforts. Do post your photos! :D
I agree with all the above posters.
The huge thing is to try and do smaller batches with basic oils when you are first starting out. You are going to probably get much better advice from more experienced soapers, but there is SOOO much to learn. It's all a learning process. Your colors are going to morph, your soap is going to accelerate, and sometimes you will turn out ugly batches. I have never tried honey or a funnel pour yet. I did however turn out a lovely batch of goat milk "peaches and cream" last month....Loved it so much I decided to do a few more batches. Batch 2, (purple color/spa scent...AWESOME). The next two....DISASTERS!!!! Went back to my regular lye water recipe and made a banana cake...tried a "whipped frosting" recipe...NOT! It is sitting in the freezer now, since I am thinking maybe I can get the frosting to harden...or maybe the neighborhood teenagers that have been stealing beer out of peoples garages will take it and think it is something to eat! Regardless, I took a little break from soapmaking for a few weeks so I can make some lotion and bath bombs. It may help you with your patience problems as I have the same problem...even a sugar scrub is ready right away!
I think what I am saying is that everyone needs to learn to walk before they can run. Ugly soaps are part of the process...Take some pictures or keep some so you can compare the results of your soaps that you will make one or two years from now. OH!!! And don't forget "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", some people may like ugly soaps.
AND if all else fails, go on Amazon or to the thrift shop and get yourself one of those Presto Salad Shooters and REBATCH! LOL.
^^ yes!
I have some serious uglies, just posted one today, yet others think they are nice. :)
Ladies on here are great at making your uglies pretty so post a pic.
Jeneelk, I saw those and I don't think their ugly at all. I think most people are harder on themselves than others would be, I know I tend to be. I painted this cartoony type bird picture the other day and the more I looked at it, the more I cringed but my mother saw it and decided to hang it up in the office at work (my mother and I work in the same office). Day shift has told me that people keep trying to buy it and that I should have put a price tag on it. So I guess beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.
See, you're making my ugly pretty! :)
But yes I def. think that's true about beauty. I wish I could draw but mine would be a stick bird. I have zero creativity and artistic imagination outside of the kitchen. lol

And FWIW.. my 'uglies' and mess ups could have been prevented if I'd had more patience. Either to test fragrances myself and not trust reviews, or to add color slowly and not willy nilly, etc. Patience is something I lack and think many new soapers do. We just want to keep trying and trying as fast as possible since it's all so new to us.
If it's useable, it's good soap. Much better than what you'd buy commercially. So enjoy and stop making yourself crazy!

As for the learning curve, I agree - start slowly, master a basic recipe, then add colors, then additives, one thing at a time. Do smaller batches (1-2 lbs of oils) so you can experiment more. I didn't get a decent swirl down until my 30th batch or so.

Usually my soap approximates my vision for it but rarely equals it. Sometimes it's even better.

Honey, by the way, as you've learned, can make your soap gel fast and hot. You can try to suppress it by putting the poured soap in the frig. Or you can try this - mix your lye water, let it cool, add the honey to your lye water (it will froth and foam, use a tall container) and let it cool again. No more overheating drama.
Okay, I picked the best of the bunch and cleaned them up a bit. From the top down, left to right: 1st batch is HP with a cocoa powder swirl (it looks purple in person), 2nd batch is a CP salt bar with parsley powder and cocoa powder swirl, 3rd batch is a funnel pour with coco powder, paprika and titanium dioxide for color, pumpkin spice FO and 4th batch is a CP oatmeal, milk and honey FO with actual oatmeal, milk and honey added and cocoa powder line (I think I added too much and the tops may fall off). If I was supposed to upload these elsewhere, I apologize.




They are all pretty soaps!! Love your gusto to try!!

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They are all pretty! I don't think any of them look like a first, second, third, or fourth batch! You may not see the beauty in them but DO NOT HIDE THEM because other people will see them and love 'em.

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