Raspberry/Cranberry color

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I remember reading on Brambleberry's website that Vanilla Stabilier only works well in melt and pour soaps. Since I have never used it, I can not agree or disagree with that statement. Now, I know this is not an acrylic painting forum (lol) but when I want to reach that deep cranberry/raspberry color while painting I always add black in with my red slowly and mix until I achieve the color I am imagining. So, maybe try adding a little bit of black mica or coloring brand of your choice a little at a time until you are happy. Then maybe write down what you used. :) this sounds like it is going to be a wonderful smelling and beautiful looking bar!
A tip someone mentioned was to combine the FO and stabilizer and let them meld together for awhile before adding them to the batch. I don't remember the time she mentioned - maybe 10-15 minutes. Although, I don't know if this would work for a FO with a high percentage of vanillin. I gave up on using it and just accepted that some of my soaps will be brown.

When I did the lemon poppyseed 6% vanilla, I let the FO and stabilizer sit for about 15-20 minutes and I'd stir it up every couple of minutes.
Did it work to keep the vanilla from turning?

I did a 2 parts FO to 1 part stabilizer. It might have shaded just a little bit darker than when first cut but this is still a nice pretty yellow color. It really does look like the inside of a lemon muffin. Its almost 4 months old now. Also, where WSP has you buy one for MP, one for lotions/gels, and one for CP, the one NG sells supposedly covers everything from CP to MP to shower gel, etc. I haven't tried it in shower gel or MP so I can't say if theirs works well in those but I'm pretty impressed about how its holding up with the lemon poppyseed.
I just ordered NG's vanilla stabilizer in a small bottle to experiment. I am curious to see how well it works, but I am definitely not counting on it.
I just ordered NG's vanilla stabilizer in a small bottle to experiment. I am curious to see how well it works, but I am definitely not counting on it.

Whatever you do, don't sniff it. I did that the first time I ordered a vanilla stabilizer. Holy burning nose hairs! :-(
Okay, so I ordered some of everyone's suggestions, but I saw a natural colorant listed at WSP
Beet Root Powder, has anyone ever used this?
Hi Soapsense! I made this batch a few weeks ago with a Rose FO (0% vanilla/vanillin) and 1T/pp rose clay. I'm gonna try the same percentage of rose clay in a swirl with Peak's Raspberry Truffle this week. I've used this FO before and it discolors to a dark brown, so I'm really curious to see if it will be gorgeous and subtle like I hope, or hideous...I'll post pics if you like :)

rose soap.JPG