Raspberry/Cranberry color

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Okay, what do I mix together to get it, or can I buy it? Maybe I'm not looking at the right vendors.
What you consider a raspberry/cranberry color may be different from what I think is the color. I consider it a deeper red yet a bright red. I know it's hard to explain in writing. :lol: I think you'd need to find a colorant which is more of a true red. I've heard ruby red peacock dye is a true red but I don't know for sure because I haven't tried it. What colorants have you tried?
Sorry, your right raspberry can be very light or dark, I am trying for a dark color like the color of raspberry jam.
I tried mixing a red oxide with a purple, and it came out brick red.
You could try adding just a little black mica to your red (the truest you can find). Start with just a very little and see if you can darken it to the depth you want. You might be able to achieve it this way.
Thank you so nuch for the links and replies, the scent I was trying to match the color for is raspberry vanilla
You're welcome and I hope the links help you. Is this a non-discoloring FO? A lot of vanilla scents turn brown so adding colorants might not be a good idea. :lol:
D & C Red 33 (a dye) will give you this. Is that close?


If the FO discolors from vanilla, the stabilizer will help for several months, maybe 6, maybe 9 but eventually the soap will discolor. If you are going to use it within few months of making it, you should be fine.
Marilyna, the first one is great!
I do plan on giving it away as soon as it is cured, I think I may have to find some more friends if I keep
Making more soap, lol
I tried the CP vanilla color stabilizer from WSP and it started to discolor within weeks. So, I don't know how well the one you have would work.

I bought the stabilizer from NG. I used their Lemon Poppyseed FO that has 6% vanilla in it. I used 1.15oz FO to 0.5oz stabilizer. It is now at least 3.5 months old and hasn't started to turn yet. I do keep it boxed up for storage though, so I'm sure that is helping to keep it from browning at least a little bit as well as the stabilizer.

Edit: I checked my notes on the amounts of stabilizer & FO used.
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If you're using WSP's Black Raspberry Vanilla, it doesn't discolor because there's no vanillin in it.
It always faded in CP almost right away for me though :(
Sorry, your right raspberry can be very light or dark, I am trying for a dark color like the color of raspberry jam.
I tried mixing a red oxide with a purple, and it came out brick red.

Try mixing red or orange red with blue to balance the red to a more cool-toned red. Otherwise, you can try mixing red and a pink or magenta to get the color, and add black or white to lighten or darken as you like. I'm positive that will work to achieve a raspberry color, the question is whether the color mix will survive the lye monster.
Thats the one I bought....:oops::oops::oops::oops:

What's the percentage of vanillin in your FO? The one I used was really high - something like 11%. If the percentage isn't too high, it might turn out fine. You could also try using more than the recommended amount. When I contacted WSP about the discoloration, they told me to double the recommended amount. I was not pleased with the answer. My attitude was I'm not doubling the amount at the price I paid for it. I thought it was freakin' expensive and a waste of money!

A tip someone mentioned was to combine the FO and stabilizer and let them meld together for awhile before adding them to the batch. I don't remember the time she mentioned - maybe 10-15 minutes. Although, I don't know if this would work for a FO with a high percentage of vanillin. I gave up on using it and just accepted that some of my soaps will be brown.
I use Brambleberry Red Velvet Lab color mixed with some Black pigment to make my Black Raspberry Vanilla soap. I use BB's FO and don't get any discoloration with the vanilla. It is one of my most popular soaps.

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