PVC end caps

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
Reno, NV
The darn end caps are more then the pipe. Im trying to get this cut again today. Do I really need end caps or would taping test caps suffice?
The darn end caps are more then the pipe. Im trying to get this cut again today. Do I really need end caps or would taping test caps suffice?
I personally wouldnt trust taped ends. Even WITH an end cap, mine leaked when my soap was at a super thin trace... just sayin'. It may work though but im sticking with my end caps lol~The investment is worth it.
Oh well it's all good now. Got it cut though the tops are at an angle. I guess the problem is my lowes doesn't cut pipe. They could have just told me that last time instead of just making me feel like there was no solution for me. Today a nice man in lumber walked all the way across the store to find something that would cut a pipe for me. He ended up hacksawing it in half on the plumbing desk. I don't even care it's not perfect, it's still going to work nice and my faith in lowes is restored. :). Also got one end cap to start, I'll pick another one up another time.
I always tape mine Mel. Just make sure you do a couple layers of tape around the pipe and a strip across the bottom of the pipe.
Oh well it's all good now. Got it cut though the tops are at an angle. I guess the problem is my lowes doesn't cut pipe. They could have just told me that last time instead of just making me feel like there was no solution for me. Today a nice man in lumber walked all the way across the store to find something that would cut a pipe for me. He ended up hacksawing it in half on the plumbing desk. I don't even care it's not perfect, it's still going to work nice and my faith in lowes is restored. :). Also got one end cap to start, I'll pick another one up another time.
Same thing happened to me when i bought my pipe at Lowes. They looked at me like I was crazy for asking if I could get it cut. Finally a lady came by with a hacksaw, bent down on the floor, haphazardly measured (and was 2 inches off) the pipe and preceaded to cut like she never hacksawed pipe before. It was a joke. I wanted 2 equal portions and ended up with a crooked short pipe and a crooked long pipe lol. After she walked away i put them back on the shelf (i know... :silent: ) and bought a new one that I would get cut somewhere else. I was hoping to just cut it myself in the lumber section with a miter box but they didnt have that.

I took the lowes pipe to home depot and they were happy to cut it for me. The guy used a miter box and it was pretty straight.

A word of caution about crooked ends. Make sure that at least the bottom end is straight because if there is a gap, soap will leak in between the mold and your liner if you use one. This has been my experience. I ended up having to get it almost perfectly straight before this stopped happening.
Same thing happened to me when i bought my pipe at Lowes. They looked at me like I was crazy for asking if I could get it cut. Finally a lady came by with a hacksaw, bent down on the floor, haphazardly measured (and was 2 inches off) the pipe and preceaded to cut like she never hacksawed pipe before. It was a joke. I wanted 2 equal portions and ended up with a crooked short pipe and a crooked long pipe lol. After she walked away i put them back on the shelf (i know... :silent: ) and bought a new one that I would get cut somewhere else. I was hoping to just cut it myself in the lumber section with a miter box but they didnt have that.

I took the lowes pipe to home depot and they were happy to cut it for me. The guy used a miter box and it was pretty straight.

A word of caution about crooked ends. Make sure that at least the bottom end is straight because if there is a gap, soap will leak in between the mold and your liner if you use one. This has been my experience. I ended up having to get it almost perfectly straight before this stopped happening.

I can't take it to Home Depot, we don't have one of those for 40 miles. -.- I didn't even think of a miter box though and I have one! It will work though, the end is flat, and is that is what I put the end cap on. The upside end I will use the test cap. The portions are about equal but with an angled top. We'll see though, I only bought one end cap though on account they cost more then the pipe. I will try it both ways and report.
I use temporary caps VERY successfully. I cover them with Duck tape. Only drawback is they sometimes tend to break when you remove them, but they cost about $1.50 each, so who cares?

$1.50 for test caps? That seems a lot considering they were only 68 cents apiece here.
What I do is use plastic wrap, than place a top from a Ben & Jerry's pint sized ice cream container as my end cap and tape around it. Works wonders and adds extra security so I can move the pipe around if I need to.
Yep know the hassle trying to get lowes to cut pvc. So I skipped that and just bought BB heavy duty column mold with liner. Love it works great. Since it did not cost that much more and I was ordering FO's too I said what they heck. Will be doing it again so I have a second on hand.
If you want perfectly cut PVC, try using a miter saw. The ends will be straight as an arrow and they're fun to use!
I think the test caps are worth it, I usually buy an extra. Also I "line" it with a freezer ziploc bag, that way if any soap does leak it is in the bag and not on the counter.
I have had mixed results with taping the ends. Sometimes it leaks a little sometimes not. I do gentlly heat the tape up once its in place with a hair dryer and make sure I get a good sticky seal around the ends. I haven't seen, nor looked very hard for, the test caps.
Seems like you could just cut out a piece of plastic card or similar mildly durable material and super glue in on there.

Unless of course you're looking for something temporary and I'm completely missing the point?
Songwind the point of the end cap is multi purpose. One it helps it stand up and two it helps in unmolding, you can push it out if need be.

Test caps are good for tops all.
Thanks, nebetmiw. If it needs to be removable, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

What kind of tape do you use? Masking? Electrical? Duct?
Thanks, nebetmiw. If it needs to be removable, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

I think that having it be removable makes cleaning it out MUCH easier... my whole arm can go in there and get all the residual soap out. :thumbup: