put soap in freezer-still stuck in mold

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can you clarify what an accelerating fragrance oil is? or what curdling or ricing is?
Another question, For soap milk do you discount your liquid as well as when using water??
thanks for the replies...
Some fragrance oils will cause your soap batter to go into a fast thick trace, (accelerating) some will even be so bad you get soap on a stick (thick like butter). Floral fo's are the biggest culprits in my experience along with clove and cinnamon eo's. Goat's Milk will cause heating factors in your soap batter so I would not water discount as much until you have more experience with your fo's and soap batter recipe. Until you know your recipes it is even better to stay away from multiple coloring, stick to maybe one color swirl or two colors that can mix into another nice color. I mention this because if your batch goes funky you can dump it in a crock pot and hp it and at least the color should not become muddy. If you use a yellow and black swirl and the batch goes wonky you will end up with ugly greenish gray when cooking it. Just a thought. Ricing is when the batter seperates from the oils and becomes grainy or ricing looking. If ricing occurs it can usually be stick blended into submission, if not, again hot process it. You can also hp in a stainless or enamal pot in the oven at 170-190 degrees. Take lots of notes when doing a batch so you will be able to track back if you have a problem. If you keep it simple such as single fo's you can find out what does and does not work for you
I am having good results unmolding my soaps but placing in the freezer for twenty minutes. They pop out of my silicone molds cleanly. I make goat milk soap and use castor oil @ 3% and was having problems with sticky soap until I tried the freezer. I also use mineral oil on my silicone molds that that has helped enormously.
Soap stuck in a plastic mold. Just had this problem, with some new recipes with a lot of softer oils, sweet almond, walnut, apricot kernel. Guess that is too many soft oils in a batch, even at 5% each.

One mold is a Dollar Tree drawer divider, the other was a flat plastic mold from WSP with the 9 little squares. The soap is soft!

I tried freezing. Even for 9 hours while at work. Nothing. Just made it softer really. These soaps have been stuck for a week.

This morning I got up, remembered I have a gas stove. Hmmm, I thought. There is always a tiny bit of heat in there. Put them in there on a cookie sheet, did not turn on the stove. Left for 1 hour. Could have went 30 minutes as the bottom of the loaf one is soft now. Anyhow, they popped right out! Hope that helps someone with the same issue.

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