Pretty soaps

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I have given away crazy amounts of soap and I have noticed that my family and friends are more likely to use my pretty swirled soap as decorations rather than in the shower. It is kind of frusterating because I need a feedback based on feel not looks..
I want to make soap that is going to be used in the shower not collecting dust in the window, does that mean that plain is the way to go for me?

What about when you give them away you tell your friends/family that it is on the condition that they use it and give you feedback.

I used to be like that with both candles and soaps... now I use them up because there is always another one I want to try anyways. :D

I find some people use them for decorations too.
I bet your soaps are lovely to look at and to use.
Give 2 - tell them one is for pretty and one is for for use and you need feedback after they use it! =)
Maybe you should make it very clear that they are guinea pigs! I just gave some to a friend and am going to send her an email survey/form and she knows I expect it back with true answers. One of the questions will be about how long it lasts and is the fragrance still evident at the end of use, at the last sliver of soap. I suppose if she really liked one to look at, I would just give her one for show and one to use.
I think the key is giving them enough soap that they can display, and use it. Also, if you want to know how your soap holds up over time it can be a good thing if they don't always use it up right away. For example I visited my son today and noticed that my daughter-in-law still has on display some of the bars that I gave her well over a year ago. I was very glad to see that they held their color and fragrance, and that they looked and felt pretty much like they did when I gave them to them. :D
Well, I was having a hard time making my friends and family use my soaps in the shower too, Not because they're too pretty (I'm not very good on the beauty side), but because they think solid soap = hand soap, so they all use them for their hands. That was so frustrating... so I started to write on the labels "shower soap" or "bath soap", and now some of them have given me feedback and seem to be using them in the shower. YAY!
Maybe you could add something like: "best before end....", so that they know there's an expiration date and will be more likely to use your soaps.
I have friends asking if they can try my soaps and friends asking me to try a soap flavour that they like ... but so far I've not been able to part with any of my soaps. Not sure if I'm lacking confidence to have them critique them, or if I'm being all 'motherly-hen' with my soaps, or maybe I'm just not ready to share yet ...

One day if I do share, think I'll be giving a list of questions with each bar ... and hoping I get constructive feedback.