Prayers Really Needed

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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
If anyone has a pipeline above we could sure use some help. We have now invested over $75k in my SIL's hip replacement surgery and having a procedure on his knee trying to get him back to work. He was able to get back to work one week and now has fluid buildup in his hip and knee for the second time. They have to cath his knee and insert more of the filler material and drain his hip to the tune of $8800.00 this is after insurance pays $15k. We just cannot catch a break. The higher being seems to be ignoring my prayers.

I cannot settle my mom's estate, cannot sell the houses, and my house is supposed to be completed next month. I barely have enough left to just get the house delivered and set, there is no moving at this time. On top of all that they now say no insurance is writing Ca homeowners policies. How is one supposed to sell a house? While my sister sits on her backside ignoring all calls and doing nothing.
Ugh, so sorry to hear all this! Praying now for a breakthrough with all of it, especially the healing for your SIL.

I am very glad to hear that your house is finally being delivered and set - it seemed like that was never going to happen.
Thank you, everyone. Trevor is back to the hospital today to have his procedures done. As great as surgeries are it seems like complications love to happen. He is only 42 and we are still looking at having to have this surgery for my 14 yr old granddaughter, but I am looking for supplement insurance for her.
Alison, we have not got the house yet, let's see if it comes through. It is just one delay after another.
Thank you, everyone. Trevor is back to the hospital today to have his procedures done. As great as surgeries are it seems like complications love to happen. He is only 42 and we are still looking at having to have this surgery for my 14 yr old granddaughter, but I am looking for supplement insurance for her.
Alison, we have not got the house yet, let's see if it comes through. It is just one delay after another.
Your children and grandchildren are sure blessed to have you advocating for them and helping them. I will keep praying!
Thank you, everyone. Trevor is back to the hospital today to have his procedures done. As great as surgeries are it seems like complications love to happen. He is only 42 and we are still looking at having to have this surgery for my 14 yr old granddaughter, but I am looking for supplement insurance for her.
Alison, we have not got the house yet, let's see if it comes through. It is just one delay after another.
Remember, I'm in Fullerton, so if you need any assistance, please reach out.
Thank you, everyone. It looks like my sister finally wants to settle and my house is going into production. Of course, I did offer her half of the third house even though my parents left it to me. I need all this done and hopefully get houses sold. The insurance situation in CA is frightening and one of the houses is hillside.

My SIL had his hip and knee drained and more of the material inserted in his knee to the tune of $9800 but he went back to work last night. The doctors feel he has a 5% or less chance of all this happening again. Hopefully, they are right.
If anyone has a pipeline above we could sure use some help. We have now invested over $75k in my SIL's hip replacement surgery and having a procedure on his knee trying to get him back to work. He was able to get back to work one week and now has fluid buildup in his hip and knee for the second time. They have to cath his knee and insert more of the filler material and drain his hip to the tune of $8800.00 this is after insurance pays $15k. We just cannot catch a break. The higher being seems to be ignoring my prayers.

I cannot settle my mom's estate, cannot sell the houses, and my house is supposed to be completed next month. I barely have enough left to just get the house delivered and set, there is no moving at this time. On top of all that they now say no insurance is writing Ca homeowners policies. How is one supposed to sell a house? While my sister sits on her backside ignoring all calls and doing nothing.
I'm sad that I'm just seeing your post now. You are all going through a rough patch right now, no doubt about that. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. If you would like, I will tell my church prayer group about your struggles, and we will all pray for you and your family. We meet on Tuesday afternoons, so if anything comes up that you would like specific prayer for, just let me know. If you want my email, just let me know. I know everyone has times when it feels like no one is listening upstairs....but I encourage you not to give up. Psalm 121 is full of hope and promises. Have a look at vs 4 and 5

He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

I am not much help with the practical things, as I live in Canada and I'm not familiar with how things work in the US. But if there is anything at all that I can do to help, you can be sure that I will. God must be using you for a very special purpose! Try not to lose sight of that. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
If anyone has a pipeline above we could sure use some help.
When all else fails, I throw my hands up in surrender and hand it over to the Universe... or as my DD says... "I do all I can and leave the rest to God." I've done this twice.

It truly is a miracle what happens when you just let go and let "the powers that be" take over. ;)💙 🙏