My daughter is still severely with Sepsis and I have lost track of how many Platelet and blood transfusions we have had to pay for. I thought she was kicking it but her heart and blood pressure kicked way up again and the doc informed her that her platelets fell to critical again, so more transfusions. She has been in bed for at least a month with this. We scraped together the money. The hospital up there is charging so much for this after insurance it is still several thousand dollars and her poor husband can only work so many hrs. He is back to work full and overtime after his hip replacement, but the miserable mine keeps cutting their bonus pay to nothing. I am so worried about her, I cannot sleep at night. She has such a compromised immune system due to her Rheumatoid and other health issues as it is. Lots of 
needed. Realistically she needed to be in the hospital on IVs but it was unaffordable, she was quoted over 80k min for the hospital stay. You just cannot get help, we tried so no use asking, we could not find any. You do not want to know what my son-in-law's hip surgery cost us after insurance.
It seems like I never have a good to ask these days. We seem to be in need of all the prayers we can get. Until I finish with my sister and can sell the inherited house we are totally tapped due to medical issues. On a good note, my house is supposed to be delivered next week. Hopefully, cannot move in but at least we are supposedly getting it.
Sorry, for the long rant, I am just a tad depressed today and have no one to talk to... It has been a hard couple of years. I am just really frightened right now

It seems like I never have a good to ask these days. We seem to be in need of all the prayers we can get. Until I finish with my sister and can sell the inherited house we are totally tapped due to medical issues. On a good note, my house is supposed to be delivered next week. Hopefully, cannot move in but at least we are supposedly getting it.
Sorry, for the long rant, I am just a tad depressed today and have no one to talk to... It has been a hard couple of years. I am just really frightened right now