prayers and positive thoughts needed..job..

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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my dh has a phone interview with FOX tomorrow and we really need him to get this job or another one soon.

we are down to $9 in the bank and are doing everything we can to find more work. DH is even doing a $10,000 job for free because he needs the content for other perspective jobs. i have applied for gov help and was turned down because i can't prove our income. some months it is nothing and some months it is 2-3 thousand. we pay as much ahead in our bills as we can and try to save some for the months when nothing comes in. nothing has been coming in for a few months now and all my bills are due or past due. i am getting scared and i have been praying for my dh to get any kind of job or for clients who haven't paid yet to pay him. i was just thinking that more prayers couldn't hurt any.

so please, if you don't mind adding us to your thoughts and prayers, i'd be really grateful.
thanks for letting me whine a bit!
You guys are in my thoughts, Krissy. I'm in one of the hardest hit states and cities and I know how hard it is out there for many people. We've somehow come through it okay so far, but I'll send you some good mojo...
Think positive thoughts...
thanks! i am doing my best to not stress and to stay positive. this board really helps with that. my obsession with all things soap works even when i have nothing to soap, lol

sending out good vibes, krissy!!!

i do so hope he's successful in his job search! good things DO happen to nice people. keep positive and i'll add you to my prayers.

my best for both of you!
Krissy I hope everything works out...don't let the gov't intimidate you, if you have no income you should qualify for foodstamps at the least! They need to tell you what you need to give them to prove you have no income.
I know exactly how you feel! I quit my job waiting tables last May because I was so over it and I had a (or so I thought) a job offer for laser work (like laser hair removal, etc.) after I finished this course (for $6000). Cool, I thought. I finish the course having paid my $6000 and then, the economy is in free fall and they closed that location.

Since then, I've done a couple of shows that pay a TEENY bit. I was getting unemployment from my last job (even though I quit, because of my "excessive commute") but that ran out in April. I was in training for this new restaurant closer to my house, until Friday when they fired me for being "extremely rude" to the bar manager (to whom I had never spoken) and "refusing to do things their way" (yet, they couldn't give me any specific examples of what I had supposedly refused to do... because it never happened). I am completely flummoxed, especially after having one of the managers follow me around the day before telling me what a great job I was doing! I have always been the darling of the managers everywhere I've worked... they even said it's obvious that I'm very good at the job. I think they basically just want 19 year-olds they can push around, because it was obvious that most of the people there had NO experience and I've been waiting tables/bartending for the better part of 13 years!

Anyway, I may have to go back to ships, if they'll respond to my e-mail. I'm thinking of sending a package of my soaps and lotions to the guy in charge of casting the guest entertainers to butter him up. ;)

I'm also gonna see if could go back to my old job... even though I got unemployment from them. :oops:

Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers and toes for your hubby!

Cross yours for me! :?

I'm so sorry to hear about the very difficult times you are going through. Keep your faith and stay strong, something good will come your way.

I'll pray for you!

Wow. Hang in there. As somebody said, good things come to good people. Stay strong. You never know what opportunity might open up.

Good vibes heading your way...
thanks ladies! i am so stressed about the job that i am making myself ill. i can't sleep either. and tomorrow is just the first step to the job, he still has to go through everything else provided they are interested after the phone call.
Just read your post and hope that all went well for your dh today. A few years back the company my dh worked for went out of business and he was out for an extended time. It was a bad economy then too.

But, you can't lose hope. Things will and do turn around. It was hard, but I tried to keep his spirits up and have my breakdowns in private (not always successful). I knew he was doing his best and what more could I ask. I only have a pt job and tried to pick up extra hours.

Keep us posted on his progress. Networking, as you probably know, is the way most people find their jobs. I worked for several years as a Career Counselor at a major university and saw it happen over and over again.

My best wishes to you and yours. Keep us all posted and vent away. Many of us can relate to what you're going through.

That goes for you too, kittywings!

i'm praying krissy! I'm sorry I missed your post when you first posted.

I hope the interview went well!
Kristy, I am praying for you and your family. Our economy sucks everywhere, but, you need to concentrate what is going right for you! Praying.......