It's sunny out and Spring is almost here fully !!
I wouldnt trust it. Mother Nature is a fickle witch...
It's sunny out and Spring is almost here fully !!
Ikr! I was very happy to have found it.very nice looking family. tell your son congrats!! pretty cool that you get to wear something your mom wore that long ago!!
Congrats! You guys look amazing!My son has officially completed junior high school!
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On a side note.. I unearthed this 20 (more or less) year old salwar kameez to wear for the occasion. I'm very happy it's completely wearable still, and is exactly my size. It was a gift to my mom that she wore only once.
Plus, my peach and pomegranates are blooming!
Absolutely!! I think pomegranate blooms are so beautiful (the red flower). We actually grew them by accident, by throwing pomegranate seeds in the yard before I realized that you could eat them! A big cluster popped up, and I transplanted the stronger baby tree's to different spots around the yard. The peach tree was the first tree we planted after moving into our new house 10 years ago. It took a few years to start producing (like 4 years) but it was definitely worth the wait!!! We also have red and white grapes!!how lucky you are to have these fruits. can you post some pics for us to enjoy? I have never seen either one of these. nothing is blooming here yet--but the grass is kinda, sorta starting to turn a little green![]()
Absolutely!! I think pomegranate blooms are so beautiful (the red flower). We actually grew them by accident, by throwing pomegranate seeds in the yard before I realized that you could eat them! A big cluster popped up, and I transplanted the stronger baby tree's to different spots around the yard. The peach tree was the first tree we planted after moving into our new house 10 years ago. It took a few years to start producing (like 4 years) but it was definitely worth the wait!!! We also have red and white grapes!!
Year before last was the first year they really started producing, and boy did they ever! There were so many that I actually started drying the extras! I share them with the neighbor behind me because she was just as excited as I was to see them! There are still too many for both of our families to eat! They seem to continually bloom from spring through the summer, the sunnier the better! It gets full sun almost all day, starting around 1030-11. That's alot sun in South Central Texas!! We also enjoy eating them off the tree! Here's a picture of some of the dried pomegranates, I dust them with gold mica!! There's also orange slices and lemons dried too. When fruit starts getting a little iffy looking, I pop it in a low temp in the oven and dry them out!!the pomegranate flower is stunning--does the tree bloom a lot? now I am really jealousdo you do anything with them or just eat off the tree. isnt that awesome that you got them cuz you threw the seeds away haha. and the peach tree is lovely too!! I see jellies in your future? thanks for sharing!!
They seem to continually bloom from spring through the summer, the sunnier the better!
I do!! My favorites are jalapeno peach jelly and grilled peach preserves! They tend to go fast in our house!! I haven't made pomegranate jelly yet, I fear the mess! Maybe this year!that is pretty cool!!! I learn something new everyday. you don't make jelly at all?
I love making sun dried tomatoes!! For Christmas afew years ago, my husband gifted me a miracle grow aerogarden for the kitchen. The cherry tomatoes are blooming already!!I have dried tomatoes (sun-dried tomatoes are a favorite of mine) inside my car on the dashboard on hot summer days. The temperature inside the car and the intensification of the sun through the dashboard really speed up the process, and no need to heat up the house with the oven.
Of course, sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil aren't truly dry, so when I want a really dry product, I have to use my oven. I used to have a dehydrator, but gave it away several years ago thinking I'd never need it again since I stopped fishing. I used it to dehydrate fish.
My mom's favorite fruit was the pomegranate. When she was young, they grew on the ranch where she lived. They didn't have indoor plumbing, but they had pomegranates in abundance.
Thank you Dawni!!That pic of the gold dusted dried fruit looks like a painting @Amy78130!